Green Light

936 54 1

Engfa's POV

I walked out of the Chief's office and immediately Win walked by my side.

"I heard that the body has been identified."

He said in a whisper. I just nodded while walking. We walked outside to the car and I immediately rode it. I heard the passenger door opened and Win sat beside me.

"Where are we going?"

He asked. I started the car and drove. I am not sure too but I have to try. I can only think of one place where I can start.

"To the place where we saw the body."

I said while driving. Win just nodded before speaking.

"It was processed by the forensic team already but we might find something there."

I said. Fingers crossed. I drove as fast as I can possibly go and parked the car along the highway where a dirt path is located. I immediately got out of the car followed by Win. We walked until we reached the pebbled riverside where the body was found.

"Keep your eyes open."

I told Win before roaming around the area. It's hard to look for something if you do not know what you are looking for. I kept my eyes open for something unusual but I can't find anything.

We searched the area for about an hour but found nothing. Then an idea came to my mind while I was looking at the waters.

I immediately called Aoom and she picked up almost immediately.

"I was about to call you."

She said in a very serious voice. I asked her what is it that she needs to tell me before I tell her what I was thinking about.

"I forgot to tell you that the Nudee, the doctor who conducted the autopsy, collected a sample of the water inside of the cadaver's lungs and throat and she sent it for analysis."

She started. My eyes widened but I didn't keep my hopes up just yet.

"I was about to say the same thing. I'm here by the river and an idea came to my mind. Do you have the results?"

I asked. I heard her type something on her keyboard.

"It's not yet available at the moment but I will be sending a follow up now."

She said. I nodded to myself.

"Do I need to collect a sample from the river water?"

I asked. I heard her 'hmmmd' before answering.

"That's not necessary. We have conducted a water analysis on it two weeks ago for the local government. I still have it on file."

She said. I looked at Win and motioned for him to follow me.

"Call me once the results are in."

I said. She agreed and I ended the call. We were walking back to the car when something caught my attention. I stopped and inspected it. It's a used 1cc syringe with the needle still attached to it.

"Win, go get me an evidence bag."

I said calmly and Win immediately ran towards the car. I took a handkerchief from my back pocket and picked up the syringe using it. The forensic must have missed this because it's thrown a few kilometers away from the scene. Win came back with a clear ziplock and I placed the used syringe inside.

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