On and On We Go

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Engfa introduced Charlotte to the owner of the breakfast place. They were treated like VIPs and Charlotte can't help but smile.

"I've been living in this city for five years now but this is the first time I've been in this part of it."

Charlotte said while looking out of the big window. The sun is starting to rise giving the surrounding that golden glow. Engfa is just staring at her with a small smile on her face.

"I'm really sorry about what I said earlier at the hospital."

Engfa said suddenly while playing with the remnants of the pancake on her plate. Charlotte looked at her.

"I'm more concerned about how we actually forgot giving each other our numbers after we talked about going out again."

She said before chuckling. Engfa nodded at started laughing.

"We were so consumed by the conversation we were having maybe? I don't know."

Engfa said in between chuckles. Charlotte nodded in agreement before stirring her orange juice with her straw. She took a sip before yawning. Engfa noticed that she's already very tired and her eyes are puffy from crying.

"C'mon. Let's get you home."

She said before standing up. She waited for Charlotte to stand up and she said her goodbyes to the owner before walking out with Charlotte.

"Seriously, you're not the only doctor in that hospital right?"

Engfa asked Charlotte in jest. Charlotte looked at her and rolled her eyes. Remembering Engfa's face while asking the same question earlier.

"And your not the only officer in your station, right?"

Charlotte teased. Engfa just shrugged and smiled. They are walking slowly, as if they wanted to make every minute last.

"Sometimes it feels that way."

Engfa said suddenly being serious. Charlotte just sighed.

"I feel that sometimes too. It's tiring."

Charlotte agreed and Engfa nodded silently. They stayed silent for a minute while walking. Then Engfa looked at Charlotte curiously.

"Can I ask you a medical question?"

Engfa said. Charlotte rolled her eyes at her but smiled.

"Urrrgghh. No but ask anyway."

She said teasingly. Engfa shook her head and smiled before trying to think. She's trying to compose the question in her head without giving too much information or scaring Charlotte.

"If a person drowns, how long will it takes before the heart stops beating?"

Engfa asked making Charlotte stop on her tracks. Engfa curiously turned around and saw that Charlotte is looking at her suspiciously. Engfa just laughed at her reaction.

"It's for a case I'm working on. Don't worry."

Engfa whispered to her while unable to contain her laughter. Charlotte started walking again. She looks relieved now and just trying to think.

"Hmmm. Let's see."

She said while tapping her lower lip with her finger.

"Around ten minutes. Cardiac arrest will immediately follow after hypoxia."

She explained. Engfa just looked at her and nodded while also deep in thoughts.

Engfa was about to say something more when her phone started ringing. She looked at it.

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