Not A Saint

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Engfa called Win while they're driving back to the station.

"I need you to look into Saint Chankimha. Anything, previous records. Convictions, if any."

She said while holding tightly on the handle just above her head.

"And can you get me our ticket. I need to write on when I arrive for over speeding."

Engfa said before looking at Charlotte who just chuckled and stuck her tongue at her. Engfa listened and then hang up before looking at Charlotte.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

Engfa asked Charlotte with amusement in her voice. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not."

She just said. Engfa rolled her eyes at Charlotte before speaking.

"If you want to drive like this, I think you should drive an ambulance. That way, the paramedics Will arrive earlier than usual."

She said. Charlotte chuckled and reduced her speed making Engfa sigh. Charlotte's face suddenly turned pensive.

"My sister would say the same thing. In fact, she might actually like you."

Charlotte said making Engfa reach out to her hand and hold it tight.

"I wish I've met her. I'm sure she's as brilliant as you."

Engfa said. Charlotte smiled and shook her head a little.

"She's the exact opposite of me. She's outgoing and fun. I'm the boring one."

Charlotte said. Engfa chuckled and shook her head too.

"I'm sure you also have it in you. After all of these, can you promise me that you will live a little? There's life outside of the hospital, you know?"

Engfa said while smiling. Charlotte turned her head to look at Engfa quickly and smiled. She nodded a little. They arrived at the station and saw a black vehicle parked infront of the station. An emblem attached to the rear window shows that it's InterPol.

"Urrggghh. They beat me here. It's the InterPol. I need to go now."

Engfa said before unbuckling her seat belt. Charlotte nodded and smiled.

"I'll go get my parents and arrange the funeral."

Charlotte said. Engfa gripped her hand firmly and then nodded. She moved closer and kissed Charlotte's forehead.

"See you later."

She said before going down from the car. Engfa watched Charlotte's car drive away before taking a deep breath. She turned to go inside of the station.

Win saw her and intercepted her. His eyes are wide and he looks anxious about something.

"Boss, wait. Before you go in there, I need to warn you first. Chankimha. He's not someone we can—."

"Waraha! There you are! Come here!"

Chief Lopez interrupted what Win is about to say. Engfa just tapped his shoulder before walking towards the Chief's office. She entered the room and saw two men sitting infront of the Chief's table.

"They are from the InterPol."

Chief Lopez said before handing her an envelope. Engfa curiously took it and opened it to read what is inside. She huffed.

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