Where did you say you were from?

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After the whole friendly thing between Z and N, Uzi glared at Z and changed the subject.

"Sooo.. Z, was it? Anyway, do you have your other squadmates and stuff?" Uzi asked Z with her regular "cold" tone.

Z blinked at Uzi a few times, smiling and happily replied, "Haha! No! It's just me! And they said I'll join this squad of 3 right here! Though.. I only see N here. Where are the others?"

Uzi grumbles at the fact that this random disassembly drone will be here longer than expected if not forever.

N noticed Uzi's grumbles, looking a bit concerned but he just shrugged it off and answered Z.
"Well, yeah! There are two others! V is still out hunting and J is uhm.. disassembled..?"

N chuckled nervously and Z raised an eyebrow.

"Disassembled? As in dead?"
Uzi looked at Z with an "are you serious" face and N answered again.

"Not exactly... She was blasted to death by my good friend Uzi here with her.. 'sick as hell' railgun. So J's clone is coming soon! I hope not.."

Z nodded and Uzi just gently pulled N to a corner, N's eyes hollowed at this.

"She seems shady, N. This random drone popped out of nowhere saying she is here to join us. Bet that never happens with the other squads." Uzi whispers to N, raising her suspicions.

"You never know, Uzi!-" N was cut short by Uzi with a "shhhh!" And N continued with a whisper.

"You never know Uzi..! What if she's telling us the truth? We can't just tell her she can't join us..." N staring at Uzi with his cute puppy dog eyes trying to make Uzi change her mind.

Uzi blushes and stood upright from their huddle, covering her mouth, looking away.
"Bite me..!-"

N also stood upright and smiled. His tail even started wagging a bit.

"UGHHHH! Fine!" Uzi groaned and mumbled while blushing: "Just because you're a cute boy.."

N blushed at this and looked at Uzi, wide-eyed. The words "Did I hear that correct??", "Holy biscuits- Did she just say I'm CUTE?!" and all the other "No way!" thoughts ran through his head.

"D- Did you just say I'm CUTE??" N blurted out and Uzi jolted her gaze at N as a blushing mess.

"N-NO! BITE ME! SHUT UP!" Were the only things Uzi can put out. Or scream out.

N still had his blush and a small sweat emoji popped on his visor too, smiling and having his finger below his mouth.

"Thanks Uzi! You're cute too!" N said being the innocent boi he is and returned the compliment.

Uzi blushes even more and her eyes hollowed more too and just looked at the ground, not being able to say anything.

"Ugh.. I can't with this guy anymore... But then again.. He's cute! Oh- No!- Shut up! Shut up Uzi!" Uzi thought and tried to deny everything.

N just laughs at her speechlessness and just hugged Uzi from her back, putting his head on her head.
"Its okay, Uzi. You don't have to say anything back."

This didn't help with Uzi's helpless blushing state. Whatever N did, he sure made her blush even more.

Z was just watching the two lovebirds, smiling, her tail wagging a bit and wishing she had that too.

After N and Uzi separated, another flying figure appeared in the sky, and into the corpse spire.

"Oh hey! That must be V already!" N chirped.

This change of subject calmed Uzi a bit more and agreed with N, nodding her head.

"Hey, Z? One question before we go. Can you tell us where you came from?" Uzi asked Z, loosing up a bit with Z.

"Hmm.. tough question! Haha! To be honest, I don't really know either!"
Z just blurted out, doing a curved index finger gesture at the sky.

N and Uzi looked at Z, confused again but Z did continue,
"I DID have weird memories though... Not sure if they ARE memories but they all felt so real.."

"Memories? Like what?" N said, keeping a still shrug.

Z raised an eyebrow at all the sudden questions but answered the boy anyway
"Well..! Something like me getting... Made? Like as in, brand new. No hair and no clothes and stuff!"

N just smiled, giving a thumbs up, innocently and Uzi just stood there even more dumbfounded by this girl.

Uzi just looked at the innocent Z, thinking of all the things that Z is saying but Z doesn't realize all the dirty things people can think of. N isn't an exception to the innocence club.

"Anyway! Yeah the weird thing is, two oddly small drones with 5 fingers and helmets on powered me off. And I woke up in a rainy dump. Then this OTHER oddly small drone but even smaller helped me and took me to a mansion! I don't remember anything else besides that." Z continued with her familiar sounding story.

N seemed even more interested in this little charade Z is putting on.
"Wait.. Rainy dump? 5 fingered figures? Mansion?" N mumbled.

"Tessa!" N suddenly blurted out.

"Oh! You know Tessa too? That's cool!" Z said, completely clueless.

"You were a worker drone too? Did you also grew up in the Elliott mansion?" N asked, obviously excited, putting his hands together and tail slightly wagging.

Z paused for a second and nodded, "Mm.. guess so! I was definitely a worker! Were you?"

"Yeah dude!" N chirped enthusiastically

The two started chatting all about the possibilities and Uzi just stared at them, with a small worrisome look.

Author's note:
Well, man! I sure do love writing notes and stuff :>
Anyway! I may draw some more ballpen drawings so my fanfic won't just be full on words
So sorry if the characters get out of character though :c
But hope ya enjoyed this thing :D

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