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Finally. FINALLY
I've been jumping up and down like a lunatic and laughing seeing the teaser photo. No cap, my brother is judging me
Anywaysss also the leaked MD merch? Yeah, saw it too:> It MIGHT not be real but it sure is on my wishlist.

AND HERE'S THE THEORIES!! maybe one of the biggest mysteries in the fandom. Not good and before-self thought she was cooking up something.

For Nori's death, people says N could be the one who killed Nori but he is JUST a suspect in my book. Literally.
We see N is the only one who's using the nanite tail a lot, not so much with V and J, maybe he is the reason why Nori got the nanite face defects or something.
Khan then said he gotta put Nori down with the wrench when she went crazy with the absolute solver so what if N injured Nori's face, Khan sent Nori to Cabin Fever Labs to put her down. In ep6, the video footage of Nori with the yellow eyes, is AFTER Khan sending her there to the labs and the humans had her in torture chamber the keybug was talking about in ep4. Then that's the time where Nori met her end?

For the shippers, specifically the Nuzi shippers, or the ones who are curious about their age, here's my statement or something on their age.

In ep3, in Uzi's school bulletin board, tons of missing posters has the age range is 18 or 19-20 or 21. So there, one point is on our red string wall. It was never confirmed by Liam Vickers, so let's just headcannon Uzi as 19 or something like that.
However, for the disassembly drones, tricky... But we do get a hint that they are about the same age as Uzi and her classmates in ep4 when N fought with V.
"I AM! UZI IS! She's a KID like US, V! What. Is. WRONG with you?!"

Another point to put on the wall, yay. Anyway, in the Pilot, the DD (disassembly drones)'s came before the bunker was built. That's just my guess since aint no way the workers were out and about in the snow with the bunker already built and we also did see Nori, Khan and other workers were in the camp. And it's obvious the ones in the Pilot is N, V, and J.
More proof to this is Nori saying: "Build doors against the coming sky demons!" But that saying is from Khan.

So N and gang already came to Copper9 when Nori is still alive.
However, in ep6, we DO see a bunch of DD corpses so it could mean the other "sky demons" are the ones who injured Nori. But it doesn't tie up... eh.

Anyway, on to our ACTUAL topic, their frikin AGE.
According to a comment I saw on an MD video, Liam Vickers says that these sentient toasters don't age like humans do so N and gang can be a couple years older (5-10 or something) than Uzi in mental age but can be a 1-2 or even the same age as Uzi and her classmates in physical age. Plus, they all act like teens so it's FINE.

Okay, hope ya'll liked my theories on the fandom's maybe biggest mysteries. Other than the Absolute Solver, duh. You guys can comment down if I missed some stuff or even correct me:)

On about the merch leakage, I saw another comment on a video that it could also give hints on what is about to happen in the episodes. Like example, the acrylic stand of V has it saying "Angel of DEATH", it could be predicting the death of V. But I don't know when the V mural was shipping or made since I'm a new fan that joined the fandom last year on November. For the other merch of V and J, it could mean that they could get screen time. Yes, J, J or V simps, you get justice :)

Anyway, the leaked merch of the stand of Uzi says "Host of the Solver" it might be hinting to us that something might happen to Uzi like the Solver might possess her for good, maybe even leading her to her death. But in the trailer, a doggo picture is flashed on screen for less a second (maybe) meaning, Cyn or the eldritch Cyn might come out. And another picture shows Uzi with the Solver symbol. Eueugheugh 😭😭😭

And then N has a cute but deadly X face. I'm scared man 🤠
Anyway, a core collapse thing or screen is on a TV or something meaning, something might happen to Copper9. Another thing is the Beginning of the End trailer with Cyn or the Solver saying "Aueghegheghegh.. Thanks for giving me the planet. Friggin idiot." And a shot where a planet explodes or an impact blast happened. Since saturn or any ringed planet ain't near Earth, that ain't a flashback. So it could be Copper9. Or it could be a flashback of something Nori doing something to her folks. ORRRR it could be a flashback of why did Copper9 became the frozen barren wasteland we know. (Update a day later of publishing: I remember now its the same flashback from the Pilot during Uzi's presentation so it's Copper9 getting frozen or something. Maybe)

Anyway, back to N, we see him getting dragged down into the flesh wall hole it could mean the Solver deleting his OS's (reference to EP5) or memories that makes him turn his back on Uzi and Tessa. Why? Cuz the X eyed N. I dunno. Just thought of it.

Plus, Cyn looks up to N like a brother so ain't no way she will hurt him. I know Cyn and the Solver ain't the same person BUT in ep5, the Solver tells young Tessa "We will not discard your pets and we will not discard you". Soooo the Solver ALSO ain't gonna hurt the DD's. (Is it "I" or "We"?)

HOWEVER, since Tessa tryna get rid of the Solver, maybe, the Solver gonna turn her back of Tessa and the DD's too.

AND THEN THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE WHERE I WAS GOING EVEN HAPPIER. But of course, the trailer itself made me jumping and laughing and on the floor like a lunatic from happiness.

The Tessa "talking" to Uzi shot. It seemed like she pointing her finger up OR getting her sword ORR holding a gun. "She IS a bad guy" I thought. Cuz Tessa DID tell N that he has to choose the universe over one little drone. WAIT A GOSH DANG MINUTE. MAYBE the reason why N has the X eye is because Tessa changed his programming or something to kill Uzi. Goodness me, I am overflowing with theories. And the words right now is 1,124. Muehehehehehe.

And I freakin hate Tessa. And the thad. That is how much I hate the thad. I don't even count IT as a proper noun anymore. Thank goodness he didn't show up ever since ep4 :3 Im sorry not sorry the thad lovers. I just hate him. And Tessa, of course.

OR MAYBEEEE something happened to Uzi and N is sad lil' depressy but even deadlier cinammon roll boi? If you're depressed, I'm sorry you guys.

Anyway, not a lot on Tessa but I will do nothin on how the Solver controlling Tessa cuz uhm.. I got nothing on that.

ANYWAY, for the first shot (i think) of the new trailer, the place where ep6 ended, the sentinels nowhere to be seen and let's say IF V DID die, IF, I SAID IF. Anyway, if V did die, her body would be dragged away by the sentinels or something. But what if she became a holo spooky snake crab? I am so sorry, thats all I got. And I said I am overflowing with theories :D

Also, should I also say which girl N would end up with? Nah, I will but on another chapter. Maybe even a whole separate book on all my theories.

ANYWAY, IF YA'LL SOME THEORISTS, AND YOU WANNA USE MY BAD THEORIES, PLEASE USE CONSENT OF ME FIRST. Please. Thank youuuuu. Also, hope ya'll enjoyed seeing my theories all on here and sorry I didn't upload another chapter of my story. I am still cooking up some plot. Til next time:)

PS: If you guys wanna see my other random rants and stuff about MD, comment:D I got a lot, I promise.

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