Chapter 1

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"The fuck- Don't kill me! We are a team, you dumbass!" The redhead shouted to the screen while clicking the keyboard aggressively.

[01:00 A.M.]

A wide and disorganized room. Clothes on the floor, along with the packages of various snacks and even expired foods, such as instant noodles or cans of Monster. The bed was the only thing in the room that was actually decent, but the bad smell of the place made it difficult to notice. Against a wall, a desk with a visibly expensive computer. At the chair, also expensive looking, a brunette was sat. Wearing a red hoodie, which was merchandising of the Idol, Nakahara Chuuya, and black shorts. He reeked of alcohol.

It's been some time since Nakahara started streaming. Even though idols were supposed to keep appearances and look like "the perfect boyfriend," the redhead didn't even hesitate before swearing. One of the titles he had gained during his career was: "poisonous tongue," something that the idol didn't like a lot.

Now, he was playing some type of RPG with some friends. Dazai didn't really care much about the game, but in order to know EVERYTHING about this man, he had to waste his time watching him shout to his stupid friends.

"I could do so much better than these animals..." He muttered to himself, imagining himself on the position of one of the friends, playing along Nakahara.

Luckily, the redhead didn't play a long time. In fact, he couldn't continue playing because his friends were messing with him, and he enraged, hitting the keyboard with his fist, unconsciously.
The brunette chuckled. He found it adorable, how easy he was to get angry.

[@chuuya'shusband donated ¥5.000]

"Oh, heyy!" Nakahara greeted, immediately smiling. "I thought you weren't here today. Why didn't you comment before? Damn, you still didn't change the cringy name, huh?"

In every stream, every single of them, Dazai was there. Commenting and donating.
He was obviously not going to put his name nor say it, Nakahara knew him in real life after all. So on the internet, now he was called "Shuji," or better known as "Chuuya'sHusband".


Taking only some classes, the ones he felt like going to, to right after take a taxi to the entertainment agency, "Port Mafia". The name was quite interesting, as was the way it was chosen, too. The boss, Mori Ōgai, says that during his childhood, for years, he had a dream where he was the boss of an organization called: "Port Mafia." That's why he chose it.

"Good morning, Dazai." A pink-haired man greeted him with a warm smile. Dressed up in a simple black suit and sunglasses.

"You look tired, Hikaru." The brunette mocked him while approaching him.

"Well, being the bodyguard of that brat isn't easy, y'know."

"Isn't he older than you?"

"Yes, but I'm taller."

Despite having met recently, it seemed that they had been friends since childhood. Understanding each other too quickly is almost creepy.

"Fuck, you're already here." Nakahara, sweating, walked towards them.

"I'm happy too to see you, shortie." Dazai didn't mind much the cruel comment and gave a bottle of water to the idol.

One touch, only one single touch of their fingers, was sufficient to make Dazai's heart skip a beat, but not in a good way.

"(So soft... I want to feel it longer...)" He thought to himself, unconsciously looking at Nakahara with wide, empty eyes.

Every single interaction they had, a small touch or a shared word, made him feel so needy for more. As if he couldn't live without him anymore.

A slight nudge from the bodyguard made him remember where he was and how he was supposed to act. All his work would go to trash if he started acting like a creep. He wouldn't fail, not this time.


[9:16 P.M]

"(It finally ended, that damn long schedule)" Dazai thought while looking through the window of the car.

The brunette, as Nakahara's manager, he should be the one driving, but he was sat on the passenger's seat, next to the driver's. The first and single time he tried to drive a car, he crashed it and never touched a car again. That's why Nakahara has a chauffeur.

The idol is sat at the back, looking at something on his phone.

A calm night, right?

It would be if one part of Dazai's mind wasn't planning on how to spend more time with him. As sweet and innocent, it could look that thought. One of the options was kidnapping him.

The redhead, completely oblivious to what was going on his manager's mind, decided to break the silence.

"Yamada-San, stop here."

The chauffeur, without questioning him, he stopped the car. And without further explication, Nakahara got out of the car. Dazai followed him, not understanding much the situation.

They walked for some minutes until Dazai wasn't able to bear it anymore and asked.

"Where are we going?"

"Hm? To be honest, I don't know."

"... Are you stupid?"

"You were going to make a hole in my face if you continued looking at me like that when we were in the car. It was suffocating, y'know?"

Nakahara already knew Dazai was watching him and yet, he decided to get out and walk alone with him? Was he really stupid?

"... Sorry?" The brunette said, not knowing how to continue the conversation, but he didn't want it to end so uncomfortably.

"Ew." Dazai was going to punch him, he was so prepared to leave a black eye on him.

"(Should I break him some bones? Maybe he would respect me then...)" But soon enough, those innocent thought took another path. "(I could break his legs... he wouldn't be able to escape that way....)"


Loud music, the smell of alcohol, and the sound of people talking. Even some moans could be heard.

Dazai and Nakahara found a decent nightclub and decided to enter. It didn't take much time before one of them was completely drunk. And despite how perfect it would be that the one who was trying to manipulate the other was the one sober, this time it wasn't.

"Why are you so fucking handsome, huhh?! It's so annoying! Share a little! People like me are crying because you exist, you damn pretty face!" The brunette shouted, completely wasted.

Both of them were sitting on a sofa with some bottles of beer and wine, along with glasses. Dazai, who didn't even remember who he was, was crying. His face painted in red as he hugged Nakahara, or what he thought he was doing, fighting him.

"... Maybe this was a bad idea.... Who would say you are an alcoholic..." Nakahara regretted deeply inviting him; now he had to take responsibility.

He tried to take Osamu's phone to call someone to pick him up, but the drunk men got another idea.

"Don't touch me, you pervert!"

"Wha- Are you serious..." He sighed, rolling his eyes as he got slightly away from him.

For one second, he considered leaving him here, but his morals didn't let him.

He tried some more times to take his phone, but the brunette was completely defensive. Finally giving up, he just decided to take him to his house. That was difficult too; Dazai, for some reason, didn't want to be touched by him.

"(Mental note: Don't give alcohol to Dazai Osamu NEVER again.)"

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