Chapter 4

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It was a quiet morning, the sun barely entering the brunette's room.

Sunday. He had no work nor class, which meant he had no reason to leave his bed.
Already noon and Dazai didn't eat anything, but some chocolate he had on his nightstand probably expired, though.

He's an adult already, he had money and a job, even his grades were just perfect. But he still lived with his parents.
Because it doesn't matter. Living alone would be the same as living with them. After all, they have neglected their child since that accident.

The memory still hunts him.
His mother was crying, wondering what did she do wrong. His father didn't even dare to scold him, too scared to do so. Both of them were looking at him as if they didn't know him anymore. Osamu was no longer their son but a stranger.

"This sucks..." He muttered, rolling on his bed. His hair was messy and greasy, and his clothes reeked since he didn't wash them.

Not wearing his glove or the bandages, his scars were visible. Some of them are small, others big. Thin, wide, deep, fresh, old... Dazai had every type of cut you can think. Around his wrists, forearm, thighs, and on his neck.
Out of anger, frustration, stress, despair... any negative emotion made him do it or attempt.
He couldn't even remember anymore when he had started.

"Ugh... I'm hungry..." He complained, but too tired to just move to the kitchen.

As he wondered what he should do now, a loud sound startled him. He received a call.

"Huh... Ugh... Hikaru. The fuck he wants now?" Grabbing his phone, which had half of the screen broken, he pressed the button to answer and speaker. "What?"

"[Damn, you sound like shit. Anyway, get your ass up, I'm coming to your house in 10 minutes.]" And without letting Dazai answer, he hung up the call.

The brunette wasn't in the mood at all to deal with his coworker's bullshit, but he still needed to. He can't let him break the deal.

Washing his face and putting on a t-shirt and pants. Since he had already stood up from his bed, he decided to eat something.

"... I guess this will do." Dazai grabbed a sandwich he made God know when and ate it, not really caring for the taste.

The pink-haired took Dazai to a restaurant, forcing him to order proper food.

"... This isn't necessary..."

"Shut up and eat the goddamn steak, or you'll die sooner than you need to."

"And the bad thing?"

"..." Hikaru sighed. Putting down his fork, he handed Dazai some papers. "Done. Now, pay."

Rooms, furniture, mechanisms, food, clothes, games... Everything about Nakahara's mansion was written there, in the first paper.
His love life, some of his childhood, hobbies, likes and dislikes... the second paper.
And the third one, where the cameras and microphones were.

"And the USB?"

"First, hand the money."

"Damn brat..." Taking out his wallet and counting around 10 bills, giving them to the man. "Happy?"

"Very much. Here you go, freak." Taking the bills and counting how much he had received for his hard work, he threw the object to Dazai.

Putting the USB in his pocket, he stood up. "I'm leaving if that's all."

Hikaru nodded, not caring to look at his friend. A wide smile and his face as he put the wad of bills in his wallet. "Oh right, your so beloved is at the convenience store near here."

Upon hearing these words, the brunette's eyes light up. Such an innocent sight for such inhuman thoughts.
Not waiting longer, he ran to the convenience store, hoping he would get there fast enough to see Chuuya.

Why was he so excited?
There is no reason in specific. But every time they were together, Dazai felt so good, so... free, that he couldn't help but want to feel that forever.

And as if God had favorites, there he was, the idol in disguise, looking for what to buy on the sweet's area.

"Uh... it's been a time since I had these..." The ginger thought while holding a cookie box.

"I think you night need this."

"Mhm?" Nakahara looked confused as someone but something above the box, only to end up being a condom's box. "... Dazai?"

"Hey~" The brunette greeted from behind him, placing his hands on the shorter's shoulders.

"Y-you..." Chuuya sighed, putting down the cookies and grabbing the condoms, turning around. "Why the fuck would I need this?..."

"Guess it yourself." He teased, grabbing the idol's chin and leaning.

"Fuck off." Slapping his hand away as a subtle blush appeared on his cheeks.

A light heart moment, a sweet play between two friends.

Nakahara loved Dazai? No, but he considered him a great friend, despite his weirdness and his annoying personality.

Dazai was Chuuya's manager, but... he strangely acted more like a bodyguard than Hikaru. Every time someone dared to speak slightly badly about him, Osamu wouldn't think before hitting that person. Was it a possessive action? Maybe, but sweet as well.
No one defended him like Dazai did, never.

Did Dazai love Chuuya? ...who knows. At first, you would think that love is the correct answer, but then... you don't want to hurt what you love, right?
Even if Dazai would say he's sadistic, what he desires goes far away from just sadistic tendencies. Therefore, it can't be love.

Afternoon, once again, Dazai locked himself in his room. But now, he had a new hobby... an uncommon one.

Feeling great with his achievement, he showered and cleaned his room slightly. It was a weird sight, but somehow, Dazai felt like doing so.
That's why he wanted Nakahara near. He actually felt alive and cared enough to care about his being any time he was with the idol.

Sitting down on his desk and turning on the computer. Not checking any new message he had received, he inserted the USB immediately. Ignoring all the new documents and information added to the system, he searched what he had paid so much for.

One click.

"[I don't want to cook... should I order something?]"

There. Nakahara Chuuya, without the need for him to stream or to coincidentally find him, Dazai could observe him.
Cameras where no one would see them and microphones of high quality.

"Mine..." He muttered under his hitching breath, looking at the screen, mesmerized. Anyone could say Dazai was drugged, and it wouldn't be a lie. It felt impossible how the existence of someone was strong enough to give someone who had lost faith in humanity, the desire to live just a little longer.

"I'll protect you this time... it won't happen again..." With a soft sigh, he opened on the side the documents that Hikaru added, reading them. "Chuuya... you won't leave me like her, would you?..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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