Chapter 3

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"Ugh... fuck..." 

Sweat falling from the ginger's body, his face red as his breathing was fast and hitched. Occasionally letting out some sound out of pain as he felt his body not being able to bear it. The ambient was warm and noisy.

And there was Dazai watching him how he did exercise from the distance. 

Once again, he couldn't deny it. It was hot. Not the gym, but Nakahara Chuuya. 

"Why the fuck he needs to be so... ugh!" He though, knowing the word he wanted to use was 'sexy', but his pride not letting him.

"The fuck you're staring at, creep?" The idol said, returning, to take the bottle of water and drink some. 

"I'm not a creep..." Dazai felt offended. Pouty, he looked away.

" know you're blushing, right?"

"Shut up!"

As if Nakahara wasn't able to sense danger, he had fun teasing the one who wanted to kidnap him. 

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry-" The brunette took out his phone, remembering he had something to announce.

"For being a creep?" 

"Let me finish, you damn shortie. You have an interview now."

"Ehhh?~ don't wanna..." He rolled his eyes, annoyed. 

Some of the interviewers were nice and that, but not the majority. Some of them even dared to ask for his sexual life. But maybe that was because he touched that topic a little too often in public...

After some hours. Chuuya got bathed, changed, received weird looks from Dazai, and finally got to where the interview was going to happen.
{For the privacy of Nakahara Chuuya, and because the author has no idea what to add, the interview will not be included.}
\(_ _)

A waiting room with a single window, the warm light of the sun going through it and illuminating the desperate and at the verge of crying, Chuuya's face. It was horrible, just horrible. 
By the way, Hikaru, the bodyguard, who also felt uncomfortable with that interviewer, ended up kicking the man with no shame on the balls. 

Since the pink haired man was now arrested, Dazai was the one who had the responsibility to keep Nakahara safe... being alone in a room with Dazai was already not safe.

"(Oh God... even when he's almost crying, he looks good...)" The brunette couldn't help but look at the idol with amazement. Blushing as if he were drunk. "(...fuck... I want to see him more desperate...)"

In the middle of his thoughts, he was called by one of the polices. 

"Dazai-San, could you please come here for a second?"

Osamu excused himself as he left the room, not before locking the door, because, of course, Nakahara would be safer that way.

Just one thought, "This man is worse than I."
That was the single thought he had as he listened to the nonsense of the interviewer.

After the cops finally understood that obliterating that man's balls was the only right answer to his stupidity, they let go of Hikaru and Dazai. 

While Hikaru went to take back his things, aka, weapons; Dazai went to look for Nakahara. 

There, he felt his mind clear. The annoyance he felt disappeared at seeing HIS Chuuya

Once again, Chuuya was sleeping peacefully in front of him. Probably, the stress of that interview got into his system and made him too tired to stay awake. The difference was that this time, unlike when they had been in the idol's house, Chuuya was fully dressed, and plus, they were in a public space. But Dazai's mind ruined with thoughts, some of them wholesome like: "he's so pretty," others being quite creepy: "I don't want anyone else to look at him", while the most of them were... disgusting: "I want to take him right now."

Is he gay? 
Dazai always questioned to himself. Love is weird and confusing. Some might say he's aromantic, others, that he's pansexual. But what if the person we're talking about can feel love but feels disgusted by everyone that breathes? 

He just needs to search for the indicated. The problem? That lack of feeling love made him desire to not lose it, never when he finally has it on his hands. 

But he also doesn't know what love is, neither how to love correctly. After all, he never felt it. Not from friends nor parents, neither from a lover. 

"(What if?...)" Slowly approaching the short man, locking the door once again behind him. 

Like a child who had a treat in front of him. Even if he knew he shouldn't take it, children are more likely to not listen and surrender to their desires. 

A trembling hand approached the ginger's head, immediately backing up and being placed on the table, still near Nakahara's head. The other hand did the same. 

Bending down his body to be to the same level of him. Looking at him with amazement, as if Nakahara Chuuya was a piece of art. Not lust or mischief, just pure peace. 

His breath hitching as it finally stopped. Dazai could feel his cheeks getting hot as he tilted his head and approached it to the idol's.
One second, and he could get that simple touch that meant a lot to most of the people of the world, a kiss. 

The subtle sound of someone swallowing. It was barely hearable, but for who was in front of the person in question, he heard it very clearly. 
Chuuya was awake, and Dazai had noticed it. 

"(... Maybe I should just do it... it will be like and advice for him not to look and act so vulnerable in front of people...)" He thought, as he was so close to him that he could hear the air that entered Nakahara's nostrils. 

"Ugh- The fuck you doing?!" The ginger had opened his eyes as he pushed away his manager, who had pinched his nose, making him unable to breathe. 

"It's over, that weirdo will pay for his harassment. Let's go. You still need to go to that photo shooting." Dazai spoke in such a professional manner, as if he wasn't going to steal a kiss from the person in front of him seconds ago. 

What stopped him? 
Embarrassment? Morals? He wanted their first kiss to be consensual? 
Not even Dazai knows. 
Emotions and feelings are strange and too complex for a human to understand. Even if you dedicate all your life to studying them, you will never be able to tell. 

"Hey!!" The pink-haired man knocked on the door.

"What?" Dazai opened the locked door, a little annoyed.

"What do you mean "what"? It's my job to protect that shortie. You can't just lock him here. I'll lose money, you bitch." 

"Who you calling a bitch, rich wannabe?" 

"Let's go, you pair of imbeciles." Nakahara had stopped the two of them of fighting while leaving the room.

"" The easy mood of Hikaru had disappeared as he raised his hand to Dazai. Speaking in a whispering tone.

"Thanks." The brunette handed the money, also whispering. "But you could have given me more time."

"That would be suspicious." He sighed and in question of seconds, his playful behavior returned. "Nakahara-San, wait!"

The pink-haired man ran behind the idol as he got beside him. Dazai followed them right behind, that cocky smile on him. Who could tell that these two are acting? No one, less Nakahara. 

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