Chapter 2

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"Ugh..." Nakahara throwed the asleep Dazai to his incredibly expensive floor, not wanting to carry him more time.

Nakahara Chuuya was strong, but carrying someone who is 1'81m tall (6 ft) being 1'60 m tall (5'2 ft) was no easy task at all.

After fighting with the drunk men, he finally could "carry"(drag) him towards the outside and call a taxi. When they arrived at his stupidly big mansion, Nakahara had to "carry" Dazai once again until they reached the living room.

"So fucking great" He muttered, taking off his jacket and throwing it on his large and luxurious crimson couch. To then throw himself on top of it, the tiredness was finally arriving.

Without realizing it, he ended up falling asleep, half naked, since he was trying to take off the excessive accessories he had on him. To be said, he looked incredibly good. Despite being short, he had a good build of muscles and not to talk about his waist.

For the ginger's misfortune, Dazai woke up some hours later. Finding him in that weird and sensual state.

"What the- " The first thing he saw when he woke up was a wall, just a wall that, by just seeing it, you could say you were in a very, but very expensive house. The brunette wasn't that surprised, tho. He was also rich, after all.

But the thing that it surprised him was right next to him. By just looking a little to the left, he saw that incredible scene of the Idol, Nakahara Chuuya, almost naked and sleeping deeply. But he wasn't surprised because Nakahara was too sexy, but because Nakahara trusted him enough to be so vulnerable in front of him.

"How?" He thought. "So helpless... I could attack you right now... kill you or even rape you, but yet you... just thought it would be ok to sleep in front of me?..."

Like a child who just discovered something new, he approached the idol slowly. When he was in front of him, standing so closely, he tried to reach out to touch him. His hand trembled, as if he feared he could break him.

1 second.

The pads of his fingers lightly brushed Nakahara's cheekbone, and with a slow pace, he finally touched his skin, putting all his hand on his cheek.

2 seconds.

As if Chuuya was sacred, Dazai slowly caressed him. Crouching on the floor and sitting next to him. The room was silent. It could be heard Nakahara's slow breathing and his heartbeat, but Dazai's was louder. His heart was pounding so fast that it might explode.

3 seconds

Wide eyes and a hitched breathing, his hand shaking and sweating as he, without knowing why, was approaching his face towards the Chuuya's.

4 seconds

The end. A soft sound that came from Nakahara's mouth made Dazai jump and stand up. Stepping away.

Right after, the idol opened his eyes.

"Eh?...uh...were you touching me? Like, were you touching my face?" His voice hoarse as he sat up, his legs crossed.

"No, I wasn't. But I could if you want me to~ I could touch you in more places than your-"

"Ok, ok, I get it. Shut up." He gritted his teeth, annoyed that the so-annoying Dazai had returned. He found kind of cute and funny the drunk one, who cried and called him handsome.

Dazai just chuckled, but the reality was that despite how calm he was acting, his mind was racing. The sensation that Chuuya's skin left on his hand was making him feel so... alive. Lust, was it? He couldn't understand why he felt so attracted to this man.

"(Ahh... One more second, and I could have kissed- ...what the fuck?— Why would I want to kiss him?... I'm seriously losing my mind...)"


Due being too late, Dazai stayed on Nakahara's house, which ended strangely... good.

Just a normal night, they both slept where they were supposed to. Chuuya at the bed of his room and Dazai on the guest's room.

[6 A.M]

Dazai woke up first.

"... Huh... Nakahara-San?...uhm..." The brunette wandered around the sleeping beauty's bed, questioning how to wake him up.

After some minutes of him demonstrating that he's socially awkward and not having the courage to raise his voice or touch the idol to wake him up, he accepted his defeat and decided to try to cook breakfast. Which thing was quite... difficult for someone who lived with instant noodles and energy drinks, on the house of his parents.


"So... what's this?..." The heterochromic asked, looking at the plate of "food", completely lost on what happened during the short time he decided to sleep a little more than usual.

"Pancakes?..." Dazai didn't even dare to look at the shorter man, even he didn't believe that the "pancakes" where actually pancakes.

"... I'm sure it's edible... probably?" He did the best he could to be nice, but he couldn't even say if what he was seeing was actually food.

".... I'll pay for the ingredients." The brunette sat on the floor, curling up and crying in his mind. Thinking: "I'm pathetic".

"No... no... well, you know what? Do it. My morning is fucked up thanks to you."

"Excuse me?" He immediately stood up, despite knowing it was his fault; he couldn't stand being insulted by Mr.MyLifeIsPerfectAndI'mPerfectToo. "As if you can do better!"

[10 minutes later]

"So?" Nakahara asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." Dazai kept taking bites of the pancakes that Chuuya prepared, tears falling from his eyes, completely humiliated.

He greeted his teeth in frustration as he heard Chuuya chuckle at him with a wide, mocking grin.

"I'll kiss you if you don't shut up." His face was totally serious, not even smiling or blushing at all.

"Stop fucking threatening me with kissing me!" Unlike Dazai, Nakahara was a mess. His face was completely red. "I'm not gay, y'know?"

"You sure? You wear crop tops. Even right now you're wearing a pink, frilly apron."

"That's sexist."

"I... don't think that's how it works..."

"Well, it's homophobic then."

"... Are you...admitting you're gay?"

"What? No!"

They continued talking for hours, their conversation topic changing every three phrases. Somehow getting more and more closer. Luckily, it's Sunday and since Nakahara has a free day, Dazai does too.

Dazai, every time Chuuya got slightly close, he felt so nervous. Starting to sweat, tremble, blush incredibly hard... But also, his thoughts were...too much.

"(I don't want this to end... I could lock him. There's no necessity for so many people to look at him, I'm enough for him. He only needs me.)"

He considered it; he did think for a second he might be falling in love, but the idea disgusted him so much he discarded it immediately. Dazai believed with all his soul that someone like him couldn't love. No, that love was unnecessary. Dazai Osamu, 22 years old, didn't believe in true, genuine love, where none of the persons searched for or wanted to get some benefit through the relationship. 

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