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I open the door to the studio and everyone looks at me like I'm about to explode. I might.

"Hi Av-" Jolly starts but Nick punches him in the arm to shut him up noticing how pissed off I am.

I whip out my phone and shove it in Noah's face to show him my screenshot of Ruffilo's snapchat. It's a photo of the guys and Poppy in the studio..and Sloane is on her lap.

He broke our biggest rule, she doesn't meet strangers like that without both of our consents. Some people may think this is silly but I am extremely protective over my daughter, especially with Noah's career. Last thing I need is paparazzi or a fan catching a picture of her with my daughter, or just a picture or my daughter at all. I don't think he realizes what is going on until he studies the photo because he made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Yeah, 'o,' what the fuck Noah?" I am furious but instead of yelling I just groan. I probably should not be storming in here like this but I cannot stop myself. Something about this is setting me the fuck off.

"I am so sorry Avery, I didn't realize. I was just showing her some equipment." Poppy says with apologetic eyes as she hands me Sloane. She probably has caught on to what I'm upset about.

"It's okay, not your fault, you didn't know. I get weird about new people with my daughter." She nods understandably.

"I'm taking Sloane home." I say in a soft but angry tone.

"No the fuck you're not. I only have so much time with her. It's my last day with her for 2 months! Let me do what I want, you're being a child!" He gets louder, furrowing his eyebrows catching me and everyone else by surprise. You can hear a pin drop in the studio everyone is so quiet. I'm not sure anyone has taken a breath of air since I walked in.

"That is not my goddamn problem, Noah. I'm taking our daughter home. If you want to see her you cut this shit short and come home." I don't even realize that I am so angry I am pushing him in the chest with my finger.

"Knock this shit off, both of you." Both Nicks separate us. "You are fighting in front of your kid for fucks sake. Either knock it off or give me my niece and take it outside!" I took a few deep breaths.

I gather Sloane's backup diaper bag (we are so close to being potty trained) and car seat to buckle her in. I let out a long huff, "I'll see you later Noah." I walk to the car in frustration without another word.

About an hour later, Noah appears back at the house. He sits cautiously in the recliner across from me and Sloane immediately wiggles her way out of her mini play house to climb in his lap.

"How's my favorite girl?" He laughs with a grin and tickles her side. He looks over at me with an apologetic glance and I'm forced to forgive him for now because of how cute they both are right now.

He rubs his large hands over his eyes and Sloane buries herself farther into his side. "I am so sorry, A. I wasn't thinking." He sighes and I just stare off into space.

"How did we get here Noah?" I break my gaze out of nowhere and make eye contact with him.

He tilts his head in confusion.

I motion my hands to around us, trying to paint the picture of our whole situation.

"Here." I squeak out.

- - -

  Friday night has rolled around and I am getting ready for my date with Will. Noah's last night home was extremely awkward as we tiptoed around, afraid of saying the wrong things to one another. I gave him space with Sloane and she ended up sleeping in his arms all night. He offered to sleep at Nick's but I told him no because it wasn't necessary. Whatever we feel for each other he is always welcome under the same roof as his own family.

A Cheers to the Life You Don't Get to Choose //Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now