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Noah's POV

"Good morning sunshines." I hand Avery a fresh cup of coffee as she walks down the stairs with Sloane at her side. The other night was everything I could've asked for. My goal was not to get her in bed or do anything irrational or too forward, I just wanted us to regain some trust in each other and remind her how beautiful I think she is.

The past couple of days have been busy. Avery has been working and so have I in the home studio with the guys, and Sloane has been sick.

"Can I make you breakfast?" I ask and she nods. I open the fridge to grab the eggs, bacon and hash browns.

Sloane raises her arms for me to pick her up and I do before I start cooking, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "How did my princess sleep last night?"

"Daddy, I don't feel good." I frown and squat down to feel her forehead after I put her down. "I'm sorry sweetie. You're not warm today, which is good. Another headache?" She nods.

"Okay, let's get you back to bed." I pick her back up and carry her back to bed, tucking her in. "Get some sleep, I love you."

"Love you too, daddy." I flip her light off and shut the door, making my way back down stairs to Avery.

"I'm worried about her, Av. This is day four now, maybe we should take her to see the pediatrician."

She sighs and nods, "I'll go ahead and call her." She starts to walk away to grab her phone but turns back around. "Hey Noah?"

"Yes, my dear?"

"I really enjoyed the other night. We should do it again soon. Maybe we can talk about some things we still need to get off our chests." We sure do. I know both of us need to talk some things through, things that hurt both of us, things that contributed to ruining our marriage. I smile and nod and she walks away to call the doctor.

I make breakfast and set up a plate for Avery. I will eat later as I am eager to get to the studio and jot some ideas down.

"I can wait for you at the bottom, I can stay away if you want me to" I sing in my studio as I brainstorm before the guys get here.

I cannot stop thinking about our outing. She's been intruding my mind ever since. Hell, I have not really stopped thinking about her since..ever.

"Hey." Avery joins me in the studio shutting the door quietly behind her. "Carol really needs me at the coffee shop, I'm so sorry to ask you this but do you think you could run Sloane up to the Dr. Carrey's?"

"Absolutely. The guys can wait a bit. Just leave the door unlocked if they are not here before you leave. I'll text Folio to come over asap." I really am trying to show Avery that family 100% comes first, I know I have not always been the best. I need to be a better father and a better co-parent with her.

"Thank you Noah, I'll see you later. Let me know what she says." I give her a small smile and I follow her out of the studio to get our sick little girl.

"Hey sweetie." I wake Sloane up who is extremely groggy and irritable. "We're going to the doctors okay?" I pick her up and carry her to the car. I buckle her into the car seat and back out of the driveway, making my way down the street to Dr. Carrey's office.

When we pull into the office I park and get out of the car to open the backseat door.

"Oh fuck!" I yell. Sloane is having a seizure. I try really hard not to panic and start yelling for help in the parking lot. Luckily, her pediatrician is attached to an emergency room and there are plenty of people around in the parking lot.

A Cheers to the Life You Don't Get to Choose //Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now