Part 4

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Everything was loud, far too loud for me to take anymore. Until a gentle knock hit my door. With it, all had stopped, my tears froze on my face my head stopped spinning. I stared at the door as it opened, not to a familiar face but to a stranger. A knight, talking to me though I could hear nothing.

I ran, I don't know why. I'm scared so scared, I just want my mother, but he's lying dead on my floor by his own hands. I wanted my father, my brother, my uncles, and my cousins, so I ran. Ran to where Mother had come from, ran to where we had all been called just moments ago. Was it moments? It must have been, but the sky was dark now. Was that because of the setting sun or the smoke from burning bodies? They were chasing me, and some men lunged at me but they were tackled to the ground. The one from my door was talking, to me or to the others I don't know. I don't care to know.

I threw open the doors to the throne room and rushed to my father's side. Above me sat grandfather, stabbed through by my brother's sword. My cousins lay limp by my uncles' sides. My father was cold, his blood pooling on the floor warm and sticky as I fell on it. Throwing myself into his cold stiff arms I closed my eyes and sobbed silently, only opening them when I heard more people enter the room. My agony became loud and clear to anyone watching as my eyes met with my brother's, his head lain next to my father away from his own body.

My physical body was falling apart, but it was league better than my emotional and mental form was. 

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