Part 31

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The days started to pass by easier. I would spend a lot of my time in my parents quarters.

Sitting in my father's study or my mother's drawing room, taking lunch in their greeting room, sleeping in their bed at night.

Clahadore had ordered more of all the perfumes and colognes my family would wear on a daily basis, he even went as far as getting the exact recipes for all of them to give to me for safekeeping.

At some point Lionel and the doctor started helping me walk again, building my straight up to the point that I was able to wander around the interior palace on my own some days.

Occasionally I would go about and gather some more of my family's special things or precious memories to keep with me. Lionel said that I usually talked to myself quietly as I did so, or hummed a little tune to the quiet rooms as I went about collecting.

I had started talking a lot more, I was speaking almost more than I did before that winter started by the time the snow had begun melting again.

The flower's in my mother's garden were sprouting and blooming, little birds were easier to spot amongst the branches of the mongolia trees, and it was almost warm enough for me to start taking my lunch outside by the little fish pond my Uncle Ashur had instead of having.

Trade ships were coming by more frequently to our ports, the sea and channels were safer now that the melt had started. The city was busy, the palace was even busier. Maids running here and there with the spring cleaning, the kitchen staff removing everything from the pantries and cellars to take inventory for the markets that were opening up, the seamstresses were twittering about amongst themselves about the latest colors and fashions, the guards were cleaning their weapons and preparing for outdoors training again.

Itw as a little rockier than it would have been if my Uncles were here. They were the head stewards, head seamstress, captains of the guards, and royal advors, they organized, planned, and executed everything with a well practiced efficiency.

Clahadore, Lionel, and Bethany certainly had their hands full.

It was early in the day when two squires came bursting into the sitting room where I was, still staring out of the window into the garden.

Lionel had started when the doors were thrown open, clutching his chest as he turned to scold the two boys.

"What are you two barging in here like a storm!?"

"We're sorry sir Lionel, but a ship has arrived-"

"A whole fleet of ships!"

"A fleet!?" Lionel looked at me before trying to usher both boys out of the room, "From where?"

"Reobeth Sir Lionel! The prince's fleet! They just docked and-"

"And he's on his way to the palace right now!"

"Oh." Lionel stopped his gentle shoving of the boys, whipping around to look at me, my attention finally drawn away from the window. "Princess?"

I was quiet, not quite used to talking a lot just yet. We were supposed to leave for Reobeth in a few weeks, so what was the prince of the kingdom doing here? Was he here to fetch me?

"Princess." Lionel had finally managed to shoo both of the squires out of the room, closing the door carefully on their continued chattering, "I received a letter the other day, I meant to discuss it with you this afternoon but perhaps now is better. I've been keeping the prince up-to-date on you, your recovery and your progress. Originally, when this all began, your father and the kingdom of Reobeth had an agreement. He would step down as long as you and your family were able to live a good life out in the countryside without disturbance. However, after the events of the day I arrived, My king and prince agreed that it would be best if his young majesty took over your care, being your god-father on your mothers side and your last living relative. However, with the people's feeling about the Reobeth kingdom taking over with you as a living heir and the prince's feelings about your health, it has been decided that you would stay here."

I wondered if this was where he told me that I was to be killed, so that Reobeth would take over the theon like they had been planning too. If the fleet carried a force for the takeover and the consequently difficult transition period.

"His young magetsy does not wish for you to undergo the pressures of running the empire, especially at such a young age and after such tragedy, and he still wishes to be family to you, to take care of you as his niece and god-duaghter. So he has decided that he will remain here with you and run the kingdom as your regent until you have recovered fully and become of age."

I nodded, my attention having gone back to the garden outside of the window. Lionel had been insisting that It was still too cold for me to go out, so I had to content myself with watching the flowers my mother had planted bloom from beyond the glass. The reds and blues were already blooming, the azalea bush I had loved to hide away in was starting to become green again.

Lionel went quiet, knowing that I had no qualms with what he had brought up and seeing that I was back to staring at the garden again.

Some time must have passed, because soon enough I heard footsteps and small voices of protest as people approached the family foyer.

Lionel opened the door before they could reach it, and after stepping out into the hallway gently closed it behind him.

I could hear him speaking to someone, more protests from whom I think is Bethany, before there was silence.

The door opened and closed again, only one person coming into the room.

I pulled my gaze away from the window, turning slightly to look at the prince from Reobeth. He looked shockingly like my mother. The same sharp gray eyes and similar light hair, the same nose and nearly the same softness about him. He was taller and a bit leaner than my mother was, his frame had been more slender and shorter.

I remember now that Mother had some cousins in Reobeth, though for some reason I don't believe he had mentioned they were the royal family.

"It's been a long time since we last saw each other. You were just a baby when we met so I doubt you remember me." he spoke softly, his voice carried the same tunes my mother's had, "I'm your god-father, you can call me Kaso if you would like."

I smiled, "hello Uncle Kaso."

He smiled back, gray eyes crinkling around the corners. "Hello Little Nokori."


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