Part 12

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I was woken again by Sir Lionel when he brought dinner into my room.

Well it wasn't my room, I was still in the guest room he had first brought me to.

He had tried to move me back into my bedroom. Both because it was far better in terms of security, being in the center of the palace tucked safely behind winding corridors, twisting hallways, and thick metal wrought doors. But also because he believed it would bring me some form of comfort, maybe even get me to move around again.

I had moved, but only to sit motionless and dead-eyed at the spot where my mother had taken his life. The carpet head was removed, likely because they couldn't get the stain of his blood out of it, and replaced with a softer cream and yellow colored one.

I stayed there, staring all day. When Sir Lionel had come in that evening to see me I was there, tears running down my cheek - something I did not notice until he had carefully brushed them away before picking me up and taking me back to this room.

"Hello, little princess. The chef made a light soup for you this evening." he placed the tray down on the low dresser before making his way over to me.

"How are you feeling? Did you rest better after eating some?" He put the back of his hand on my forehead, something my father would always do when he thought I was ill. "You look a little more lively, that's good."

He flipped the blankets over before bending down a bit to pick me up from the bed. "A little fresh air with tonight's dinner will do you some more good." He brought me out of the bedchamber and over to the window seat in the sitting room portion, placing me on the well-cushioned seat before opening the window some.

The windows of all the rooms in the palace had been changed from the usual ones that open like shutters, hinging on the sides and parting in the middle. They had been replaced with windows from a foreign place father had gone to one year, ones titled down from the base, swing either inside or outside depending on what you wanted.

Lionel had pushed the window to go out, leaving a large silver open to the sky to let the evening sun and air rush into the room.

"Still it's cold so you need to be bundled..." He muttered to himself, leaving me a moment to go back to the bedroom to grab some things to bundle me and the tray of food he had left in there.

I rested my head against the cold glass of the window, staring out at the garden that was below. I miss the garden my room had looked out over, mother and I had spent hours upon hours planting and weeding and reading there.

There was a little pond in the center of it, a carved fountain one of the divine creatures my ancestors had worshiped in the middle, disputing a bubbling stream from its hands back into the water below it. There were colorful fish there, that my brother and I would spend forever naming and trying to differentiate between them all as we fed them.

The flowers and trees were specially picked by my mother so that there would be something blooming all year round, a plant of two of every color he could find for every season.

There were small marble benches, and swinging wooden chairs hung by the branches of the massive oak tree in the corner that were covered in garlands of flowers or trinkets.

My favorite space was the towering bushes of azaleas. They were hollow inside towards the trunk. My oldest uncle had helped me sneak in little blankets and pillows and treasures to cuddle up in while I hid away from everything and read to my heart's content.

I remember his broad smile and the twinkling in his pale blue eyes as he laughingly hushed me as we snuck around the palace gathering supplies.

He was my father's older brother and was the most mischievous one. He helped us get into all sorts of trouble all the time. 

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