oh no.

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Back story: you and rafe where are boyfriend and girlfriend and always are careful during s3x but this time you weren't and things didnt go planned...

"Hey y/n it's going to be ok calm down" kie says on the other side of the bathroom door. I knew she was there for support I'm not ready to be a mom and I know he isn't even ready to be a dad.

"no kie I messed up he isn't ready to even be a dad. I'm not ready to be a mom" I say with a hitched voice. Catching my breath.

I opened the door seeing a stressed kie and feeling my wet tears roll down my cheeks.

"Why don't you go and talk to him about it? The sooner he knows nothing really bad will happen" she says leading me towards my living room

"You want Me? To g-go and t-tell him?" I say skipping words from catching my breath. "Yes it's better to do it sooner" she smile wiping my tears.

"I can't go alone" I say looking down at the test,swiping my thumb over the words "yes" on the test.

"You haft to y/n this is just you and him" she says crouching down om her knees to my level.

"I can't do this" I say letting out a sigh. "You can and I know you can because you are stronger than that" kie says patting me on my knee.

After a few minutes of arguing with kie over why she can't come. I decided to go ahead and go over to the Cameron's house.

I opened the car door shutting it behind me putting  the test into my back pocket. Letting in a deep inhale and and slow  exhale,  I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hey.. woah are you ok whats wrong?" Sarah Says opening the door. "Is rafe here?" I say with a tired voice. "Uh yeah he's just upstairs why what happend?" She ask leading me inside stopping st the steps.

"You swear you won't tell no one until I tell rafe." I say pulling out the test from my pocket. "I swear" she says looking down.

"Here" I say handing her the test looking away from he reaction

A moment of long silence I was afraid what Sarah would think about me. And her brother.. "Wait no way! Am I going to be a aunt!" She yells loud. "Shh shhh Sarah he doesn't know and I dont even know if he wants it" I say sadly..

"Y/n your speaking non sense he would I know my brother." She says handing it back looking to see if anyone heard or seen.

"Is he here?" I ask stuffing the test back into my pocket. "Uh the last time I seen him was in the back" she says with a smile.

"Welp here goes nothing" I say sigh walking to the open back doors.

Peeked around the sharp corner seeing rafe sitting on the outside sofa scrolling on his phone.

"Rafe?" I say clearing my throat. "Yes?" He says looking up from his phone. He flashes a smile and I give one back.

"Can I sit?" I say gesturing to the seat beside him. "Yeah yeah of course." He says scooting over.

"So I Uh- I have news." I say sighing playing with my thumbs.  "Ok so what is it?" He says fully focused on me..

"Here" I say slapping the test on his hand looking away so he didn't see the tears in my eyes.

Long silence lingers  "what is it?" He asked his tone had gotten harder. Is he that stupid does he not know what this is?

"Rafe your joking right? You really don't know what that is in your hand?" I ask sniffling my tears back in.

"Uh am I supposed to?" He Says he's still fiddling with the test in his hands. "Rafe it's a pregnancy test. I'm pregnant" I say huffing thr last breath hard.

I can't believe this man he didn't even know what it was idk how he's going to take it.

Pause of silence. "Rafe you don't haft to say anything really I get it" I huff standing up.

"Where are you going?" I here a voice say I stop by the door way looking back.
"Well you seemed like you dont want to talk to I'm just going to leave you to it" I sigh.

"You didn't give me a chance to talk" he Saya standing up walking to me. He wants to talk no way.

"Look we may not be ready to be parents heck I ain't but I have seen you with kids you are great which fears me because I csnt be as great as you." He says tearing up.

"What are you saying?" I say tilting my head in confusion I have never heard or seen him be this soft sith anyone.

"I'm saying we can do this and I will help you and take care of OUR child." He smiles pulling my in by my waist.

"Really?" I say tearing up harder. "Ofc my love".

I need some ideas please also first idea of the book.

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