Set up.

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Backstory: you have had the longest crush on rafe. But you where set up by his friends..

"Hey you see that girl over there" kelce Says to rafe pointing at you. You were standing clueless at a party you where invited to.

"Yeah what about her?" Rafe says motioning his cup of random juices that was being served.

"She likes you" kelce smirks leaning against the walls "so what's this about?" Rafe questioned.

"We should set her up?" Kelce laughs taking a sip of his beer.
"What do you mean set her up?" Rafe didn't know what he was talking about.

"I go and talk to her and slip this inside a drink I offer and then we do what we got to do" kelce shrugged looking back at you.

"Yeah so commit a crime, no thanks." Rafe said sternly.
"Oh come on she won't remember a thing" kelce smirks.

"Nah you do this yourself" rafe says stepping back. "Whatever" kelce says walking over you you.

"Hey you're y/n right?" A boy says behind you.."Uh yes and you are?.." I say turning around.
""I brought you a drink" the boy says smiling.

I hesitated grabbing the drink."just alittle piece offering" the nameless boy says pushing the cup closer.

"Thanks" I say taking the cup flashing a smile. "And your name is?" I ask tilting my head

"Kelce" he says smirking. I down the drink he had given me It was kind of strong.  "DO you want to dance?" I shook my head yes walking to the dance floor.

Even though I liked rafe deeply I knew I never had a chance in any way. "Hey I'm going to use the restroom" I yell over the music.

I ran to the closes bathroom bit I was locked "shit!" I yelled pulling the handle.

Instead of waiting I ran into rafes room looking for the bathroom and thank God he had one.

I ran to the toilet and started vomiting every single thing I had to drink tonight. Minutes later I blacked out.

"What am I doing here?" I said sitting up on the bed. My hands where tied with rope on rafes bed so I only had one clue rafe.

"Somebody help!" I yell. "No one's going to hear you up here from the party hun" a man's voice said coming from the bathroom. But my mind was still blurry.

"Kelce? What the hell!" I spat at him. "I don't see the problem?" He says waving his hands in the air.

I couldn't see what he was doing from infornt looked like he was setting something up.
"You see in one press of a button and the whole party can see the live stream" he says holding another phone.

"Why are you even doing this I trusted you?" I say lightly. "You shouldn't trust anyone you meet babe" he whispers in my ear.

"3..2...1.." kelce pushes the button.

Rafes pov:

I heard my phone chime and notification and as soon mime did everyone else did. Like it was a mass text.. it wasn't it was a live ,kelce..

Shit! I yell opening the notification. It was kelce and y/n but she was somewhere familiar. My room?

"So why don't you tell everyone how bad of a slur you are y/n!" Kelce says facing the phone. "What What is this even coming from?" The girl said.

"Oh come on every guy has had you" helce smirks. "That's not true.." y/n says no embraced. I have to do something! I can't let him do this.

I hear everyone laughing as they were watching the whole thing. "Hey everyone needs to shut there fucking mouth this is sick!" I yell running past everyone up to my room.

I tried opening it but It was locked.
"Kelce open this fuckjng door now!" I yell. "No can do brother! She's mine now" he says muffled against the door.

I checked the live again watching kelce every single move.

"Kelce please you know this is a crime right" I yell to the door to make sure everyone here's me.

"Rafe shut up!" Kelce says  punching the door. "Oh you don't people knowing you drugged the poor girl ?" I yell chuckling.

"Rafe shut the fuck up man!" Kelce yells.

I push my body against the door full force to push it open and it worked.

I jumped on kelce punching him over and over again. "Rafe ok rafe that's enough!" Y/n yells I heard her but I couldn't stop. "Rafe that's enough stop it!" She yells once more.

I stop and see her frightened. But the live still going. I step over smashing the phone
"Hey you ok?" I asked the poor girl un doing her tied arms. "Yeah I'm fine, thank you" she said smiling.

Well here is another chapter I really need ideas so feel free to request!

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