sex tape.

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Backstory: you had a crush on rage and him his friend group knew. But rafe had no feelings for you. His friends made him follow in a sick joke.

Sarah Cameron had invited me to her older brother kickback. I was never the girl to get invited to anything so I was very nervous.

No one knew I like her older brother rafe. And I wanted it to stay like that.

I had to be ready by 9pm and it was 7:20. I myself take forever to get ready but I mange to get there early.

I wore a white tanked crop tome with light blue jeans shorts and a white mesh button up. Including my white converse..

Straighted my hair and added my finishing touches to myself. Right before Sarah had texting me where I was.

I grabbed my keys off my dresser and headed to the Cameron's house. I was never a party girly as I mentioned I was never included in them.

But i was never rude and never not tended to them.

Locked my car heading to the front doors that where open to the whole world to come in.

Hearing the music in the back running through my ears. I made my way to find Sarah to say thank you.

Pushing past people in the crowds I bunped into someone from behind and it felt like a hard wall.

"I am so sorry" I say turning around meeting blue ocean eyes. It was rafe.
"I-i didn't mean to run into my apologies" I said looking down.

"Apology accepted" he smiles turning back around to talk to whoever he was talking to.

I finally reached the kitchen seeing Sarah. "Hi girly" she yells rushing to me. "Hey" i yell back hugging her.

"So how's the party looking" I seen Sarah place her hand on her hips. "Its very packed I ran into your brother on accident" I laugh because that man  is so strong I hurt my own self.

"Wait isn't this his party?" I asked looking back at Sarah. " Yes it is why?" She asked looking at me aswell.

"Well shouldn't he be asking me how the party and not you silly" I laugh louder. "Righr thats true but you are my friend so" she shrugs heading to a blue and white cooler.

"Want one?" I seen her grab a beer and open it. "Sure" I shrug. I m3an one beer wouldn't hurt.
I may be the "good girl" but some times I want to try new things.

Later on I was dancing with Sarah infron of everyone to my favorite song. Feeling Sarah next to me hyping me up.

I wasn't drunk just alittle tipsy. Is what I could say. I felt alittle dizzy here and there but I still knew right from wrong.
Rafes pov:

I was laughing with kelce and topper in a corner. Kelce said a dumb joke but me and topper got it. And it was funny.

"Yo rafe look at her" kelce says pointing behind me
All I seen was the girl from earlier but she was dancing with my sister.

She caught my eye. The way her hips over with the song and her smile grew every chance she got.

But she wasn't my type.
"What about her?" I asked kelce. Trying to play it cool. "I don't know she's some new girl" he laughs taking a sip of his drink.

"She isn't new she goes to our school but no one likes her" Topper laughs aswell. "Also heard she likes you rafe" he winks at me.

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