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Backstory: you and kie where both kooks so ofc you guys HAD to go to Midsummers. Because both of you're guys parents wanted to show off to eachother.

Midsummers wasn't mine or kies favorite day. We hate the idea of our parents trying to compete with the Cameron's.

Everytime we have this we are always at kies house to get ready and prep.

"DO you have everything y/n?" My mom scolded. "Yes  every single thing. Can we go now?" I ask throwing my dress, box of heels and all my other things in the car.

Finally my mom stopped and we headed to kies. "Kie!" I yelled Running with all my other stuff in my hand.

"Y/n!" She yells running to me aswell.
"So ready to get plastered?" She asked you. "You know it!" I laugh walking to her room.

Kies room was open and always had a fresh scent of coconuts and the ocean.
I start on my hair and so does kie.

I finished curling my long dark browned hair. Standing from the floor seeing kie has already put on her dress. It was a silk kind of lavender colored dress.

"Wow kie you look amazing!" I say holding both of her wrist by her sides. "Well thank you, now go try youre's on!" She yells pushing my into the bathroom.

My dress was just a white long sparkly dress with black heels. Nothing to special.

"Can I come out?" I asked peeking my head around the bathroom door" looking to see if kie was even still in the room.
"Yes yes let me see!" She sequels.

I open the door revealing my dress.
"Omg y/n! You look so pretty!" She yells. "Thank you!" I bow.

"Now let's go tell our mothers that we are ready so they don't yell" I say mixing my 2 favorite perfume.

We walked downstairs to the sound of our heels *click and clack*

"Mom where ready!" I yell walking into the kitchen. "Good just in time for pictures" my mother smiles handing kies mom the camera.

"One, two, three cheese!" She says snapping the picture. Few pics later and we where ready to head out.
Just in time to walk infront of everyone there. It goes the Cameron's. Then Carreras and then us.

I wasn't really excited for Midsummers never really am since I'm older not running around with all my friends like I used to.

"Y/n! You look so pretty" I hear a woman say. I snap put of the memories I had back to reality. Rose Cameron. I see the woman walking up to me with open arms..

I smile opening my arms aswell. "Hey aww thank you" I say muffled against her.

"God you're so big!" She yells holding me by my shoulders." Ahh ik time flies" I say shrugging. "Are you and you're parents walking dear?" She ask looking to the doors.

"Um yes we are the last ones" I smile.
Rose went on and on in talking whatever she wanted to talk about. And I nodded everytime. To make it look like I was listening. "And then don't get me started on th-" rose was interrupted by a tall boy behind her.

Rafe cameron. The "kook king"  as everyone calls him. Rafe thinks higher of himself. Which shouldn't be the case because it's all daddy's money.

"Hey uh rose dad wants you he says it's about time to walk" he says pointing at the doors behind him. I looked down at my shoes.

I could feel the man glaring me down.
I'm sorry I gad to cut our conversation short hun I will see you later?" She asked placing her hand on mine.

"Yeah that's fine" I say smiling
Rose had walked off now rafe across from me. Only inches away.
I could smell his cologne sweet and flowery.

He was wearing a baby blue tux. Which looked great on him.

"Can I help you" I asked pushing him with my shoulder to pass by. "Don't walk away?" He says grabbing my wrist.

"What do you want don't you have to walk?" I ask forcing rafe to let go. "Not yet I just seen you where bored so I made up a lie" he shrugged.

"Cool can I go now?" I asked. I wanted nothing else to say to him.

No answer just a jod he had giving me. I walked away still felling eyes over me.

Hours later we had walked infront of everyone. Cheering and yelling.

It was night time me and one where dancing and feeling the music no care in the world. 

Swaying our hips and throwing out hands up.

I was looking around noticed jj he was wearing a black tux handing Sarah a note. Putting his index finger in between his lips.

"Kie look" I yell over the music pointing at jj. "What is he doing here?" She asked.

Rafes pov:

I had walked around with kelce seeing one of the dirty pouges in the crowd. JJ Maybank. I hated him out of all the rest of the pouges.

I walked towards JJ with kelce. Turning him around. "I would like a Mai Tai my friend" I say looking him dead in the eyes.

I knew he wasn't a real waiter here and to the looks of it. His dad got to him before I did.

"Yeah pouge how about you make the two" kelce says behind me.
"Hey guys why don't you help yourself to some orderves." Jj says. I single the rest of my group offering them to as a joke.

I turned my back and jj was running through  out the whole house. Throught ppl and chairs. The bathrooms and finally the locker room.

"Hey man what are you doing in the lockeroom" I asked jokingly. Grabbing JJ. "Wow thats a cute outfit " jj adds to one of the guys.

"Shut up" I yell throwing him.

I trashed talked JJ alittle adding in on how HI dad had beaten him. And stuff. Until I felt a wet ball on my face. "Oh shit" I chuckle wiping it off. Did he just spit on me.

Then the light flickered. "Sorry I was trespassing these kind men where helping me." JJ says fixing kelce tie. But jelce smoked him off.

"Fix that tie son, you power puff girls have fun" he yells stumbling out. "Tell y/n she looks pretty hot for a pouge" I yell to get on JJ's nerves.

He was followed put with me and kelce behind. He was going on and on about how the kooks where and grabbing other people's drinks.

Then I see y/n smiling at JJ.

"Hey ya pope you coming" he claps pointing at another pouge. I seen kie and pope run to JJ. And I was hoping y/n wasn't next.

"You coming y/n!" I hear jj yell. And there she was a laughing and running into his arms.

"Let's go!" She yells running into the dark..."

This is really all over the place I just kind of tried.

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