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Backstory~ you and rafe had decided to take a vacation away from obx to get alone time with eachother.

"So ehm mom" I say clearing my throat for her attention. "Yes dear" she Says. I had walked into the living room seeing she was scrolling through a book for remodeling.

"I have a question" I was nervous I did not know what the lady was going to say. "And I might have an answer" she had closed the book and had her full attention to me.

"So me and rafe you know my bf?" I stopped am I dumb of course she knows that  "Mhm what about him?" Is the lady really asking that.

"Well not about him. It's about me and him." What do I do now let it burst out or add more nonsense.

"Me and rafe would like to a vacation, you know get away from obx" I said not confident what so ever.

"And who else is going on this trip?" She ask standing up. "It will be just me and him, but I promise no funny business" I added.

"Right hmm ok and does his parents know?" I followed her behind into the kitchen like a lost puppy. "Yes they do, there letting us take his dad's private jet" I say leaning over the counter.

"Right ok, if I give you this chance to trust you, since you're an adult" I was shocked shes actually letting me go. But it seemed liked she choked trying to tell me.

"You can trust me" I say hugging her. I get it, it's scary not knowing what me or him where going to do. But as long we don't get caught we are fine.

"When do you guys leave?" My mom asked. "Uh we leave tonight so we can get there in the morning." I smile putting a grape in my mouth.

"Have you packed" I knew I was forgetting something. Fuck.
"Uh no I have not but I'm going now" I yell from the stairs.

I rushed into my room throwing some swimsuits and clothes that were summer wear. Following in with makeup and other things.

I huffed trying to close the big large suitcase filled with God knows what.
"I heard ruckus going on" my dad says bursting through the door.

"Hey dad" I say laying on the still unzipped suitcase. "Whats going on?" He asked walking closer.

"Oh uh me and rafe are going on a trip just the two of us" ok now I really must be stupid I just told my father. That me and a boy are being alone for a whole week..

"Alone?" He asked getting tensed." Yeah we wanted tot get our obx" I smile trying to attempt to zip it up.

"Does you're mother know about this ?" He seemed confused and mad about the fact me ans Rafe are alone.

"Look dad I know you aren't comfortable seeing me and rafe alone. But I'm adult.." I huff standing from my knees. Feeling then tingle.

"You are 18 not an adult" he stands from my bed hearing it creek. "18 is the legal age dad" I say walking down the steps struggling.

"Need some help" he offered with a sturn tone.. "please" I pleaded with puppy eyes. I get it I'm his only daughter he wants me to be safe.

But I am an adult now not little anymore.

I turned hearing the sounds of gravel and heavy tired hitting the pavement.
"I love you dad" I say muffled against the giant man.

Feeling the warmth of him. "I love you to" he smiles placing a kiss on my forehead.

I heard the truck door slam shut aswell as foot steps. "Hey my love" I run the the tall strong man.

"Hey" he Says softly. Rafe had always been scared at showing his emotions.

"Mr.Ortegon" rafe said nodding and shaking my dads hand. "Rafe" he says nodding his head aswell.

"Rafe how are you sweetheart" my mom yells from the front door.

Oh my. Here she goes. "I'm great how are you Mrs.Ortegon." He chuckles.

"Oh please call me trish" I chuckle. "Ok mom I think it's time we go" I smile

I kissed both my mother and father goodbye as I waved to them throught the windows of the truck.

"So are you excited?" Rafe asked softly still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Very I smile" I basically jumped in my seat.
I felt a warm large hadns hit my cold skin. Felling the cold ring he had.

"What sis you're parents say about it?" I shrugged "Hmm nothing really just that we should be doing things we aren't supposed to." I smirk.

"Oh we would never" rafe says jokingly smirking.

I felt the truck jolt to a stop. And the tires screech. "I will be right back" rafe had grabbed his wallet and phone. Closing the car door behind.

I looked from the review mirror seeing that he was talking to some guy.

I sighed back into my seat wanting this vacation to start soon as possible. It was dark but there was light outside from the light poles.

"Good news." A man huffed from the driver side. "We are good to go let's get on love" he Smiled taking off our luggage.

I walked up the steps seeing the jet for the first time. It was so..beautiful. amazing! Just wow.

"This is great!" I yell touching everything in sight. "I knew You would love it!" Rafe smiled pulling me by my waist.

"God I love you" he said grabbing my chin with his thumb. I felt his lips on mine as he fell into a passionate kiss.

"I love you more" I say sitting down on a chair.

Let me know I'd you want part to sorry for taking long guys!~ A/N

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