i don't know if i can

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Backstory: you and rafe where finally have the confidence to have s$x but once you guys where naked you knew you couldn't take it.

Rafe had set me on his rooms desk still passionate kissing. We where practicality eating eachothers faces.

"Are you ready yet love?" Rafe ask slowly undressing me. "Yes" I moan catching my breath in between undressing him aswell.

I was in my bra and underwear and rafe had his belt un buckled with his shirt off. I felt him lift me up again

"Rafe!" I squel laughing. He laid me on my back hovering over me. "You're so beautiful princess" he whispers in my ear bringing his lips down on my neck.

"Well thank you sir" I say moaning.
He grabs my breast not to hard but firmly.
"You feel so good" rafe huffs un doing my bra from the back.

I wrap my arms around his neck admiring his eyes. "You know I can't take you seriously when you stare at me like that princess" he smirks pulling down my underwear all the way to my feet kicking them off.

I tugged on his shorts signaling I wanted them off as fast as possible. Since it was my first time I was scared but I trusted him.

I looked down and my face went blank idk how that's going to fit in me. "Uh" I whisper. "Whats wrong?" Rafe says frowing his eyebrows. "Uh nothing I just don't think I can take that" I say looking back down at his long enterection.

"We don't have to do it now princess?" He says softly sitting up. "No please I-I want to" I say grabbing his neck again.

"We can start out as slow as you want love" he smiles I flashed one back gripping rafes back for support.

"I'm going to slide it slowly ok love" I shook my head in reinsurance. I felt it stretching me and I grabbed rafes shoulders gripping hard.

"I'm going in deeper love ok tell me if I'm hurting you" "mhm" I hummed shocking my head.

"There you go you took it all" he grins pumping slowly. I go from his shoulders yo his back dragging my finger nails leaving scratches behind.

"Alittle faster" I moan. I feel rafe pick up the pace slowly. It felt so good.

"Your do good for me love" he whispers kissing my neck.

I whimper and moan c4avung him to go deeper...

So uh here's smut next chapter will be cute

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