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Karina sighed at the sight of yet another call on her phone.

It was her boyfriend, Haechan, who'd been calling her relentlessly; she had a long photo shoot that day with some American model, and he kept reminding her to eat and stay hydrated. Yes, it was sweet, but at this point it was getting irritating. Missed calls were urgent, and Haechan's worries about Karina weren't urgent, no matter how much each of them tried to make the other believe it.

Karina could think of another reason Haechan had called her, though.

Next week, they began preparations to fly to the Maldives for South Korea's newest dating show- Third Time's a Charm. It featured contestants who were on their second official partner or looking for a third partner, and it was a reality show, meaning that there would be constant drama thrown in. Karina had only agreed to go on it once Haechan had asked her because he'd spun her a speech about reconciliation.

And he was kind of right.

The two hadn't been going as strong as they were when they first began. It had been a year of dating, and although they had had a strong spark, it went out fast as they fell into the monotonic routine of dating. Haechan had been a hairstylist on one of the sets Karina was photographing, and people liked to call them "love at first sight." In reality, Haechan had courted Karina for a while before finally asking her out, and she'd said yes.

However, in her heart she knew she'd said yes out of appreciation. She had never been truly in love with Haechan.

She didn't think she'd ever been truly in love with anyone- not the kind of love that makes your palms sweat and your heart pound. The all-encompassing kind of crazy love she wanted to have with someone. Someone who could make her crazy.

Haechan didn't. Karina knew he was head over heels for her, but... the relationship was dying.

Then, one day, Haechan came to her asking about the show, saying it'd help strengthen their relationship if they looked around a bit. He clearly stated to her that the "looking around" was just for the purpose of realizing how much they were actually meant for each other, and wasn't supposed to go anywhere.

Karina hadn't seen the contestants yet, and asked Haechan not to show her. She wanted to be surprised. Haechan had seen them, and definitely wasn't showing her anytime soon.

The shoot finished up soon after, and she called him back.

"Rina! I was so worried when you didn't call! Is the shoot over?"

"Hi, Chan, yeah it's done," Karina exhaled as she got into her car. "I'm heading back now."

"Okay, I'll see you soon then. We have to finish packing. I love you."

Haechan's hopeful voice was clear even through the tinny speakers of Karina's phone, and she winced as she said it back.

"Love you too. Bye."

Karina tossed only the essentials in her bag, knowing that the show would mostly take care of her wardrobe. She put in a few summer clothes as well. For her first impression on the contestants, she wanted to wear her own clothing and stay natural. That reason also made her toss in minimal makeup, partly because she wanted to stay barefaced, and partly because it was reality TV. Half of the preparations would be makeup.

The flight left tomorrow, and although she'd promised Haechan she would pack, she stayed up late thinking and losing herself in Love Island to try to figure out how dating shows worked.

Which was why she was packing now, throwing clothes in last-minute, and when she was done getting ready for bed, she slid the suitcase next to Haechan's, so it would look like she had already packed instead of staying up to do so. Glancing over at the bed, she noticed her boyfriend was already sound asleep, his blond locks falling over his face.

The sight used to make her smile because she used to be smitten. Now, she felt like she was losing her appeal, destined to be stuck in an unhappy relationship forever with someone who didn't deserve what Karina was giving them. Haechan was a good guy, and she wanted him to be with someone who deserved him- partly why she'd gone on the show.

She went to the bathroom and looked up at the mirror. She looked tired. Karina had always been unusually attractive, but the latest toll of her job and relationship in her life caused her to hide her beauty. She wore thick-rimmed glasses and left her hair up, opting to wear a mask most times on-set as well. Instead of wearing clothing that made her feel younger, she wore sweatpants and T-shirts around the house.

Sometimes, Karina felt like a mom, growing into a moderately happy life she'd have to live one day. Who knew, maybe she'd start a family with Haechan, settle down and never think about all of the opportunities she could have had. Her life with him now was safe, was a little haven she could hide in when her feelings got too tumultuous to endure. He was safe.

But the show? Maybe it would give her a second chance. She wouldn't let a dying love define her expectations, her chances for another life to have fun and live young with someone she loved. Even if it blew up in her face, she would still have the memory of that vacation and the newfound empowerment to start a new life.

At the moment, she couldn't just dump Haechan and leave for somewhere new; she didn't have a job that supported that kind of movement, and also, she really wanted to go on the show.

For now, though, she would have to wait.

"Karina, please, you're not listening to me!"

"Why should I listen, Haechan? You don't listen to me, either!"

"Because you keep ignoring me!"

"What's the point, anyway?" Karina thrust her arms wide open in the kitchen, glaring at her boyfriend, who was standing, arms crossed, at the kitchen entrance. "This relationship isn't what it used to be! Why won't you accept that?"

"Because I love you, Karina, and I'm not giving up on you!" Haechan countered, walking closer to her, his eyes both angry and sad all at once. "Please, just give me one more chance! I have something to show you."

"Stop changing the subject, Haechan," Karina gritted out, shaking her head angrily, but then he stuck an envelope out at her.

"What is this...?"

"Open it," Haechan answered, his eyes turning a little giddy, looking at her somewhat anxiously. "Please, Rina."

She sighed at the nickname and used her long finger to slit open the envelope.

Karina stared in astonishment at the letter. "You've been accepted to South Korea's newest reality dating show, 'Third Time's a Charm'? What is this, Haechan?"

"I applied us," Haechan said eagerly, walking forward and steadying himself on the countertop to look her happily in the eye. "It's for couples that have been dating for a year and under, or singles looking for a third chance at dating. The first one is us, Rina, and we fit the name perfectly. We've each got an ex to our names, but this third chance will be us starting over and making a healthier, more loving relationship."

Haechan finished, staring into her eyes, holding her gaze, and Karina was hit with a wave of guilt.

Truthfully, Karina didn't want to "restart" with Haechan. She wanted to end things with him, but the glow in his eyes changed her mind. It was the glow from when they first dated, the glow when he first fell in love with her.

So Karina's stupid mind agreed, a part of her hoping to find someone on the show to move on with- instead of her boyfriend.

A third shot at love.

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