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The first time Karina saw Haechan hover was on the Maldives flight.

Her boyfriend was all over her, offering to put up her luggage, putting a hand on her back as if reassuring that she was still there. It was like the past few weeks, all the talk about couples had gotten to his head and he wanted to ensure that Karina wouldn't leave him, wouldn't become one of those washed-up celebrity couples on a show that he enrolled them in. His anxiety wasn't truly warranted, however, as Karina didn't really care for chivalries or pleasantries, so the people greeting her on the plane- or the other contestants- wouldn't faze her. She wanted to know the person and how they made her feel before making a move.

Really, Haechan's constant worry was starting to piss her off- and not only because he stuck to her like glue. It was like he didn't trust her, which was irritating- he had suggested they go on the show, so why was he being hyper-touchy? It didn't make any sense.

"We're here," Haechan informed Karina, as if the raven wasn't looking out the window and couldn't clearly see that they landed. "Want me to grab your stuff?"

"Uh- sure- okay," Karina agreed, standing and stretching once the plane safely landed and stayed still. She knew that if she didn't agree, Haechan would only get more touchy. As she stretched, she felt her back crack and winced.

God, I'm not getting that old, am I? I need to get this show thing over with fast.

"Got it," Haechan smiled chivalrously as he plopped the suitcase down in front of Karina. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yup," Karina nodded, gathering her headphones and phone into a pile in her arms and inching out of the seats. She didn't like eating on planes, so there was no trash where she had sat, in contrast to her nervous boyfriend- who'd inhaled at least a week's worth of plane snacks. That was evident in the snack bags poking from his pockets.

Karina wrinkled her nose. Not cleaning up after himself was something Haechan had become accustomed to. Being a stylist meant that he was always focusing on making the next best thing, and in his words, "I don't have time to fix my messes. I make more beautiful ones right after."

That didn't exactly make too much sense to Karina, but she went with it, even though it got pretty annoying sometimes.

Once they exited the plane, Karina had to do a double take.

Cool airport air chilled her pale skin as she stepped off the plane, wearing a white crop top and denim shorts. Her suitcase dragged behind her as she walked, turning in full circles curiously. The airport was full of vacation-goers just like her, although she doubted any of them were there for exactly the reason she was.

"Whoa, it's great, right?" Haechan grinned, popping up next to her.

Karina could only do a distracted nod in response because something had stolen her attention.

The looks.

She was getting ogled from all sides, eyes sliding over her figure and features. It had been a year since people looked at her like that, as if they were unsure whether or not she was real. She was wearing her hair up, but not in her usual messy bun- in a ponytail exposing her neck and flaunting her long hair. She'd made an effort to clean up and put on light makeup, but wow. There were so many people just...


at her.

As Haechan blabbered on about the show, a slow grin spread across Karina's face. This was the life she had missed out on for a year, and she was ready to get right back into it.

The home the contestants were staying at was a beautiful summer villa.

Blue water and palm trees gave it a gorgeous backdrop, while the white marble and autumn color scheme only added to the home's comfy, tropical charm. Balconies and soaring windows ringed the top floors, while hibiscuses and other tropical flowers adorned the front of the home, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

However, Karina knew everything that was about to go on in the house would be far from welcoming. Couples would be picked, games would be played, alliances would be forged, relationships would be lost.

She couldn't resist the smirk that spread across her face at the sight of the villa.

Crew members rushed at them from all sides, bringing them to their rooms inside the villa and getting settled. Karina hadn't seen any of the other contestants yet, but she knew that that was for a reason- they entered at different times and stuck to separate wings to make sure they didn't see each other.

Karina would be lying if she said she wasn't excited.

As a woman applied makeup to her face, she posed a question. "Will I change, or stay in these clothes?"

The woman, whose name tag identified her as "Tiffany," shook her head. "You're gonna change, sweetie. They'll give you clothes. Now don't worry away that pretty face of yours, and turn your head to the right for me, I need to apply this."

Karina did as she was told, but when the clothes were brought in, she couldn't resist her jaw from dropping.

She hadn't dressed like that in nearly a year and a half.

The thought brought another smile to her lips.

Karina's heart was beating nervously as she stood in a line, her eyes covered.

She was being stood next to six other people- the show began with seven contestants- but she had no idea who any of them were except for Haechan, who kept reaching out and poking her arm like he wanted to make sure she was still there. The warm air blew across her exposed skin, and she reveled in the fact that Haechan hadn't seen her yet.

Or anyone else, for that matter.

The director was counting down.

"Hana... dul... set!"

The thing covering Karina's eyes slipped off and she blinked, taking in the view of the ocean.

And the people surrounding her.

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