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"We're not getting anywhere."

"No shit, Sherlock," Karina answered dryly. The two were eating on the beach. Other cast members were spread out around them, and since the contestants ate off-camera, Winter's comment prompted Karina to respond in any way she wanted. "Why are we even doing this, anyway? Haechan's gone. Chaehyun is... I don't know what you even wanted with her, so that's irrelevant. What's your goal, Kim? Why'd you pick me?"

Winter looked around furtively, sighing. It was so out of character for her that Karina was shaken for a second, and then it occurred to her that Winter was about to say something important. "Look... I just really need something on the show."

Karina snorted, shaking her head, dark curls falling everywhere. "What could you- a creative director who has it all and can charm the pants off every girl she meets- possibly want on a dating show where the only prize is-"

Then it dawned on Karina.

"You need the money."

"Yeah," Winter admitted, nodding. "I do need the money." But then a smile spread across her face, and it was exactly like she normally smiled: mischievous, almost seductive. "That's why I want you to help me get it, pretty girl. I wouldn't split it with anyone else but you." She winked, and took a bite of the food in front of her with a flourish. "Really, though. I mean it. I need the money. I may be a creative director, but there's this guy at my company-" She cut herself off, shaking her head.

Karina wasn't slow. Being a photographer, she was trained to pay attention to the smallest changes, and she picked up on this one. "He's embezzling. Stealing your money. And because of industry sexism, you can't do anything," she realized. Karina sighed, stealing a grape off Winter's plate and eating it. "That's fucking annoying. Happens to me too."

"Yeah," Winter said, plucking a grape from her plate as well and popping it into her mouth. "You get it. See, that's why entertainment industry girls make the best pair," she smirked, chewing and swallowing. She tilted her head, propping her head on her open palm, and gazing at Karina. "You know, you might think that I like toying with people's feelings, but this actually means a lot to me."

"Well, that's surprising," Karina snorted, but there was no bite in her words. With Haechan gone, she'd found something of a companion in Winter, but she wasn't sure what their relationship was yet.

"So, do we have a deal?"

Winter's words snapped Karina from her reverie. "Come again?"

A wicked grin spread across Winter's face, and Karina instantly regretted her choice of words. Before Winter could make a dirty comment, Karina shook her head quickly. "That's not what I meant. I meant please clarify. I wasn't dropping an innuendo."

"God, it sounds so boring when you say it like that," Winter sighed, and Karina instantly knew that she was back to herself. Winter drew her back straight and put on a mocking accent. "Come again? That was not an innuendo, Miss Kim. I was simply stating how I'd much prefer if you repeated yourself. I was not referring to dancing with the devil, although"- she switched to her normal voice, and Karina knew she was about to make a teasing comment- "I wouldn't mind it, because I find you incredibly-"

"-Irritating. Now shut up, will you? People are starting to stare."

That last part was a lie, but Karina's face was getting red and she wanted Winter to believe that it was because of imaginary staring. Winter just shrugged, grinning, and popped another piece of fruit into her mouth slowly, licking her lips and swallowing almost seductively. Karina looked away, locking her jaw.

"You like that," Winter realized, and the smirk was so evident in her voice that Karina felt her neck heat up. "You like it so much when I do that." She leaned forward, the wind blowing gently in her hair, and scooted closer to Karina on their blanket over the sand. "You like me."

"Shut up," Karina hissed, leaning away from her, but her heart was pounding traitorously. She was not supposed to like Winter. It'd only end badly.

"Shh," Winter whispered, moving even closer. Her chin was perched on Karina's shoulder now, and she leaned her head against Karina's. "Don't worry. We've still got another two weeks to have fun together," she said smugly, and Karina looked down at her. Winter's eyes were big up close, endless brown all the way to her darkened pupils, and she found herself lost in them, if momentarily; she could see all the seasons pass in them. Autumn in the deep brown, summer in the long eyelashes, spring in the gold ring blurring past the pupils and into the irises. Winter in the uniquely Winter quality; the long eyelashes, the slow blinking, the soft fade of Winter's eyelid into the rest of her skin. She was perfect, and a slow smile curved across Winter's face- a genuine smile, a toothy smile, one that made Karina smile too, and they were just sitting there smiling stupidly at each other.

Winter blinked again, leaning even closer, her hand covering Karina's, and asked softly, "So if we stay like this for the rest of the show, we'll get the money for our own reasons?"

The moment wasn't quite ruined, but Karina shook herself from Winter's ocean-deep eyes and sighed. "Yeah. I'll help you get the money."

"And what do you want me to do in return?" Winter asked, her voice quiet, so unlike Winter it almost swayed Karina: but her furiously beating heart told her not to comment.

"Just... promise me that when this is over you won't... forget that I exist, okay?" Karina sighed, and she instantly regretted it. She sounded like she was begging, asking for something that only Winter could do, so she reformed the request. "You know. Since you're a creative director and I'm a photographer, I'll help you win the show. Just a career favor, is all."

Winter didn't seem to take the request the way Karina had expected her too, smiling and throwing her head back, laughing, and the sight was so pretty Karina almost folded, but she tilted her head instead. "What? I'm not one of your girls, Kim, okay? I just need a favor. I'll help you and you help me."

Winter's smile didn't vanish, only grew larger. "Of course. I'll talk to the superiors at your company. No need to rant at me again- I'm not saying that I don't mind it, though." She winked. "Don't worry about it, Rina." Winter grinned, leaning forward, and for a split second it was like they were about to kiss.

Karina froze, staring into Winter's four-season eyes, her lips slightly parted.

Instead, Winter leaned forward. The action was, again, unlike Winter, but Karina had now become used to her two sides: the flirtatious, seductive player, and the down-to-earth, sweet girl.

She liked both- hopefully not like liked, yet.

Silence passed between them, and Winter crouched forward, pressing a lingering kiss to Karina's cheek.

"Thank you, Rina. Friends?"

"Uh- yeah. Friends."

Oh, how Karina's heart wouldn't shut up.

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