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TW: sexual references/implied content

Karina was, to say the least, uncomfortable.

The last few hours had been shocking. Haechan tried to break up with her. Winter picked her. Haechan was gone, shipped off the island. Her year-old relationship had been broken. She wasn't sad about it, though.

And the cherry on top? Here she was, dressed in silk sleep shorts and a gauzy overshirt, curled up next to Winter Kim.

Couples had to share beds in the show, and same-sex couples were no exception. After the breakup, Haechan had continued to shoot Karina dirty looks, and even tried to physically go after her as she'd headed up to the villa. The crew had pulled him back, and Karina stumbled along the sand, the night and fractured sounds of cameras and people infiltrating her ears.

Currently, Karina was curled in a tight, unhappy ball, her dark hair curtaining her face. Yes, she had agreed to couple with Winter, but in hindsight it had been a stupid decision. Haechan had been irritating, but at least she could deal with him. But by picking Winter, Karina had just proved Chaehyun right: that Winter was commitment-phobic and couldn't stay in a relationship when it got serious. Although Chaehyun had encouraged Karina to do it, Karina couldn't help feel guilty. She felt like a traitor.

Karina bowed her head tightly on her knees, trying to ignore the feeling of Winter's breath on her neck. The bed was not large- it was average-sized, and Karina quickly learned that Winter was a spread-eagled-type sleeper.

"Can you stop that, please," Karina finally begged once she'd had enough.

"Hey, you picked me," came the smirking reply. Winter had gone to bed with Karina agreeably, and Karina's instant discomfort had seemed to spur her on instead of irking her. "You can't go back on your word."

"I can at least make it bearable for both of us. And that would be much helped by you keeping yourself away from me."

Karina practically felt Winter's grin. "Aw, baby girl, who said I wanted to stay away from you?"

Heat exploded on Karina's neck and cheeks. She curled herself tighter, trying to ignore her wildly beating heart.

"Don't do that," Winter whined, and the sheets shifted as Winter edged closer. "You don't hate me, right?"

"Stop being such a baby." Even Karina had to admit the words came out shaky, which was her first mistake. That seemed to give Winter the green light to move even closer.

The bed shifted again. Karina was on the far left side, curled into herself, a bundle of sheets, while Winter was splayed in the middle, her touch a whisper in the island air.

"Call me that again, and maybe we'll see," Winter whispered, her breath skating across the back of Karina's exposed neck.

Karina had finally had enough. She flipped over, facing Winter, who jumped a little in surprise, but quickly regained herself, a slow grin spreading across her face. Karina unfurled herself, crossing her arms, and sat up.

"Can you just leave me alone? Please? I'm begging you. Just leave me alone."

"You should beg me for something else, Yu. Then maybe, just maybe, I'd say yes." Winter winked, adjusting herself in the center of the bed, ginger hair splayed out all around. She grinned, propping her arms behind her head. "Why, afraid someone'll catch us?"

That was the last straw.

Karina pulled herself off the bed, yanking an oversized button-up from her suitcase and throwing it around herself as a makeshift blanket. "That's it, I'm sleeping on the floor."

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