Chapter 1.

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The mission was going smoothly till they started to defuse the bomb when Makarov had shot Soap once and walked over kicked Price to the ground, Soap gets up grabs hold of Makarov from behind as Ghost and his squad began to rush up, Makarov shots Soap through his head from Soap's left side killing him instantly this time round. Ghost and his squad run Makarov off as he does that he runs up to Soap's lifeless body and holds it in his lap prying that he'd wake up...

After the mission ended

Ghost was slowly pouring out Soap's ashes next to Price and after that..well let's just say Ghost wasn't the same... he went Rouge. Price began going throughout the list of people Ghost was trying to protect and seen your name as his number one person to be protected, Price knowing how protective he was of you now he began to search for all information about you so he can try and get you to bring Ghost to his senses.

"Well this is Captain John Price of the taskforce 141, I could use your assistance with bringing Simon Riley back to his senses.." Price says into the phone to the unknown person on the other end, making those around Price worried about what is to come of this. "Sure..just give me a place to go or meet up with someone to take me to him" the unknown person replied with. "Who was that Price?" Gaz begins to question Price's decision. "You'll see soon enough Gaz.." Price says with a tone of voice get the message of 'leave it there' over to Gaz.

It has been two days since the phone call and the person Price had called walks in the door, Price walks up to the person and holds his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Captain John Price, I had called you on Simon's half, can I introduce you to the rest of 141?". "Yeah sure just as long as you make it quick.."

"This is Y/n L/n who was once Ghost's lover forced to depart from one another due to Y/n moving back to his main country, Germany just like König on Kor-tac." Price said as a brief introduction of who you were. "well we have Ghost contained but I don't expect him to still be there knowing him and how he's been know for escaping the toughest of people.." Gaz buts in to get Price back on track of why I'm here.

In Ghost's supposed containment room

Y/n was the bravest one to got in to see Ghost so he steps in and instantly gets pinned to the wall by his throat.. "Simon!" Y/n had slightly raised his voice grabbing his attention since he only let two people call him by name, you were the most acceptable one to say his name 'Simon'. It was like he just froze hearing your voice call out his name like that he slowly and hesitantly released your throat as he backed up to double check that his mind wasn't tricking him. "Simon, Schatz.. why is fighting your first instinct?" Y/n asks with a concerned German accent, making Ghost remember who Y/n is and upon this realization he slowly approaches Y/n and wraps his hands around Y/n's waist pulling him into a protective hug. "Y/n..?" Ghost's rough and deep British accent rang throughout the room for the first time since he was brought in for containment.

the rest of 141 was waiting outside watching from the one way wall they used to make sure he didn't try to kill himself as a last resort of escaping the containment he's been put in, they just stand there looking shocked at how one person has such a big effect on ones life, Y/n had a stronger effect than Soap because you and Ghost have dated before while Soap was a not admitted to best friend. As Ghost holds or more like clings to Y/n he starts to tear up as he explains the recent events, saying stuff like 'It felt like I wasn't me doing that' 'help somethings wrong with me..' and other stuff like that.. he was showing a side only you, Y/n have seen. "Y/n please.. hold me" Ghost practically pleaded to Y/n.

A little while after the encounter between the long separated lovers..

Ghost had been released from the confinement to be under 24:7 watch by Y/n.. The two were cuddling in Y/n's bed as Ghost sat up and asks "can we kiss once more like we used too in our teen years..?" Y/n nods and they both pulled their masks off and begin to lean into each other preparing to kiss again after 4+ years of not knowing if one another was still alive at that point.. their lips were only inches away, Y/n began to feel the same butterflies as he had when they had their first kiss back in 9th grade but before they can theres a knock at the door. Y/n answers the door to see someone passing around letters on how terrible Soap was and how they shouldn't have a week Lt aka Ghost...that only made Y/n mad enough to punch the person who wrote and handed it out everyone. Ghost got fed up with the kiss that would've happened if they weren't disturbed.

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