chapter 2.

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The second first kiss

It had been a few days since they reunited with each other and they had gone out on a little date to catch up on the years, while they were out in a Cafe, both were maskless..and things took a turn for the worse.... Ghost spots Makarov as Makarov spots Ghost. Y/n grabbed tightly onto Ghosts hands to calm him again "Schatzi bitte calm down we'll get him soon enough.." "but he-.." "I know..that's why we need to wait, to out smart him into thinking we won't go for him, so let's just dance and pretend we didn't notice him" Ghost just nods and gets up and grabs Y/n's hands and begins to dance to the song 'Sway' by Michael buble and Ghost subconsciously starts to sing along the other people begin to watch the two of you dancing to the song staring in amazement that a gay couple would be brave enough to dance in a public place a few others stand up with their partners and begin to dance as well in the cafe enjoying this time they have together. The song starts to come to an end when Ghost begins to lean in close his lips prepare to kiss Y/n's lips and before they know it there lips are pressed against one others in a soft but sweet and passionate kiss that lasts for at least a minute of remembering what it was like to just innocently kiss one another. Everyone stares in awe and adorations wishing that they could have that kind of love and affection with their lovers.

They decide to get some more coffee before they decided to leave and head back to base, Y/n gets in the truck and hooks his phone up to play some music that he has on his playlist and the song 'I wanna be yours' Arctic Monkeys. Ghost starts singing and Y/n joins in singing with Ghost, they sing with each other to every song that comes on the speakers enjoying one another as they didn't have much chance when they were in High school

Back at base

Y/n leads Ghost back to his room mostly for cuddles and work. Y/n sits at his desk with ghost on his lap chest to chest as Y/n begins to type away on his computer to do some reports about the brief encounter with Makarov and what he plans on doing with the in-counter that they had at the cafe, Ghost ends up falling asleep in Y/n's lap so Y/n just sits there working and holding on to Ghost like he's the most fragile piece of glass you'd ever find.

It had been hours of the two sitting and cuddling while Y/n worked When a knock is on the door.. "Come in, it's not locked" Y/n had said mindful of the sleeping Ghost in his lap, Price then walks in "What are you doing up still..?" "Well i had some work I needed to do is all, we had a slight in-counter with Makarov and I for the most part have tracked them down...I have a bad feeling that he'll be after me since I'm so close to Ghost, he looked to have preferred Ghost as a rouge soldier and the fact that I brought him back to him self." "Ah alright..if they do take you then well have to come up with something to tell Ghost in case he tries and goes rouge again.." "Yeah.. well I'm going to head to bed now if you need anything then you have my number, right?" Price nods and walks out of the room, to leave you and Ghost be to get ready an head to bed.

You had finished what you were typing, closed your laptop got up picking Ghost up with you as you carried him to bed to lay him down to get yourself changed to clothes you prefer for sleeping in, you crawl into bed pulling Ghost onto your chest to sleep better. Y/n begins to hum a song to the sleeping Ghost on his chest, he smiles in his sleep.. something that is now rare to see from him.

Rouge Ghost x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now