Chapter Fifty-Five: The Way of the World

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"In my many years, I've learned to be more wary of those who come with smiles, who take an interest—they're the ones you'll trust enough to turn your back to."

Gramag Alfarid, last leader of the ancient Kimigoth Enclave

Suddenly, another hover-bed detached. "High Scholar Fawndar, may I request that you cede the floor?"

The Fevolian nodded and floated back up to her cradle. The detached hover-bed floated down to Zaina's level, revealing a familiar face reading off a vis-screen.

"I, High Scholar Tu'Lest Velan, Scholar Suprema of Law, having been ceded the floor, would like to announce that the investigation's analysis of the surveillance footage regarding these two individuals has finally been completed. According to every angle of footage possible, they've concluded—ahem." She cleared her throat. "They've concluded that neither individual's involvement is possible. Neither left their homes for any period of time, much less any that would coincide with the believed time of death for High Scholar Nash. In light of these facts, it is recommended that both individuals be released immediately."

Zaina's mentor crossed her arms. "Finally."

High Scholar Vae detached from his cradle. "No—I won't have it! You know what this means!"

High Scholar Velan turned to face him and said, "You're out of line, High Scholar Vae."

"No, you fools are out of your minds! Can't you see? There's a third heretic—a hidden servant of the darkness amid our ranks! These two won't oust one of their own; the Order is infected—it's being overrun by heretics as we sit by and welcome them in with open arms! Here, two enemies of the Order stand before us—both having sworn an oath, willing or otherwise, to destroy us, and bearing proof of it on their bodies! You would grant them freedom to move among us, to coordinate our downfall? The Order of Riiva has stayed strong for eons without allowing in these corrupted souls, these foul enemies of Riiva. Now they are here, and there is discord among us and blood on our floors! This is madness!"

High Scholar Fawndar detached from her cradle. "High Scholar Vae, that is enough."

Elest Vae waved her off. "Throw your lot in with the heretics—but leave the Order of Riiva to be free of these blights, this—infestation! This girl, whether she knows it or not, is working for the Eldritch! They will bring about the end of the Order of Riiva!"

In a louder, more serious voice, High Scholar Fawndar replied, "Hold your tongue and keep with your station. One more interruption and I'll have you removed. You'll come to appreciate Former Scholar Suprema Nash's patience if you try mine."

Elest grumbled and reattached his hover-bed to the antler-tree. High Scholar Fawndar also floated back up and locked her hover-bed in place.

High Scholar Velan continued, "It is recommended we release these individuals, but this is not good news, indeed—High Scholar Vae does raise a good point, though it was raised poorly. If these two are innocent, that means there is a third heretic on Kaado—one who has no compulsion about killing even the highest strata among us; one whose identity is unknown; and one whose plan in some way involves the Eldritch's orb."

Murmurs once more flew about until High Scholar Fawndar said, "Silence."

With a grim expression, High Scholar Velan said, "Our investigation will remain diligent. Based on the testimony from Zaina that we analyzed, it seems the Eldritch is capable of possessing individuals—perhaps someone wandered in who should never have been there." She shot a glare toward Zaina. "If either of you were involved in the corruption of one of our own in any way, know that it will be discovered."

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