Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Deal and a Due

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"Corpos don't like CDPs. They don't want anyone punching a meal ticket for free. Byzon only knows why it bothers them so much when the starving are fed."

—Singa DCDP (Department of Centers for Displaced People) Councilwoman Gheri Reza

Three empty plates were beside Zaina by the time she leaned back and patted her belly. Over the course of her eating, she'd explained her journey thus far and where she was going; this time, Sister Tyza took it more seriously.

"So," she said, "you really are going to Kaado."

Zaina nodded and picked at a bit of sliced fruit on her fourth plate. "Yep. That's what I think I should do. I never really knew what I was going to do until it fell into my lap."

Sister Tyza chuckled. "Life happens like that sometimes. What about your ship, though? Is it flyable?"

Zaina cringed. "The pirates did a number on it. And it's not my ship, it was my friend's."

"You need a mechanic. Don't worry, I know a guy. He does Pira Byza work for us sometimes."

"Pira what now?"

"It means, 'For Byzon,' in Eclestic—the language his scripture was written in. He's helped us out before. But before we do any of that, I think a few hours of sleep would do you well," Sister Tyza said.

"I was thinking the same thing," Zaina said with a smile.


After a nice, long nap and a second shower for the hell of it, Zaina put on a matching gray blouse and slacks from the nightstand. Then she went to find Sister Tyza.

Zaina stepped into the common room and immediately laid eyes on her benefactor. Sister Tyza sat at a fold-out table across from a grizzled, elderly Takagaran—a tall one, too, standing three feet high. Unkempt gray-and-white facial hair covered every inch of his face, and his four arms were crossed. He wore a leather jacket with sewn-on patches of fiery skulls.

Sister Tyza brightened up. "Looks who's finally awake. Feeling better yet? You're looking a lot better."

"Thank you," Zaina replied.

Before she could say anything else, Sister Tyza turned to her companion. "This is that girl I found. Said some pirates did a number on her ship."

The Takagaran turned to face Zaina and grunted.

Sister Tyza waved to Zaina. "Come on over and introduce yourself! This is the guy I was telling you about. Galactic-class mechanic. He's been there and done that."

Zaina walked over and sat next to Sister Tyza. She extended a hand and said, "My name's Zaina Quin. It's so good to meet you."

One of his arms pulled some hair out of his eyes to give her a proper look-over. A second hand, tiny in comparison to Zaina's, reached out and grabbed a few fingers with an iron grasp. "Hobst Ralfert."

Zaina glanced over at Sister Tyza, who tilted her head toward the elderly mechanic. She wasn't going to ask this for Zaina.

"And you said you fix ships for free?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Depends on the damage."

Zaina nodded. Not one for words, this guy. "Well—is there any way you could help me out? I'm in a pretty bad jam."


Not quite sure how to respond, Zaina grimaced and held her tongue.

Hobst turned to Sister Tyza. "Good seeing you. You take care, now."

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