Chapter 1

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my name is Briella what my father wanted me to be named and Lorelai after my mother and my grandma who I call mom.
I go by Ella.

"Ella wake up your late for school!", Lorelai shouted.

"I'm awake already just let me get ready god!", I yelled back.

Cassie was the opposite of me we grew up like sisters she was 15 I was 16.

"Hey Mom has my dad called?", I asked.

"Yes he's coming to see you tomorrow after school hunny let's go now come on", Lorelai smiled.

I was ready for school but running late I attended stars hollow high.

"Bye Luke bye mom!", I shouted as I left.

School was good besides from Cassie she was just like my real mom studying all the time.

"Hey Ella", James smirked.

"Hey James I missed you one day apart is to long!", I giggled.

"It really is so are you down for the party tonight?", James asked.

"I sure am got the perfect outfit too", I smiled kissing James.

James was My mother's ex boyfriends son he was 17 son to lindsay and Dean.

"Gotta go to class see you soon", I smiled.

"Bye", James waves at me.

I never went to class I'd always skip and go hang with Laila and Steve.

Lane and Zach's twins.

"Hey Laila have you got the Cigarettes?", I smirked.

"Don't let Steve catch us though he'll tell", Laila giggled.

We had smoked a cigarette each then headed back to school.

After school ended I headed home to get ready for the party I was wearing a mini skirt with a cropped top.

I snuck out since it was late and headed round the street to see James.

"Get in the car and you look good", James smirked.

We arrived at the Party in Hartford Laila had snuck out and made it to the party.

Me James and Laila had all gotten drunk the party was a blast until the cops were called. We didn't manage to get away and we got arrested.


*Ring ring*

"What's that?", Luke asked yawning.

"My phone who's calling at this time it's 2am?", I said confused.

Lorelai: Yes hello?

Officer: Is Lorelai and Luke danes there

Lorelai: Yes this is Lorelai

Officer: Your Granddaughter Briella Gilmore has been arrested for underage drinking she's here at the station

Lorelai: I'll be on my way to get her thank you

*End of call*

"Who was it?", Luke asked tired.

"She's been arrested in Hartford", I panicked.

"Who?", Luke asked.

"Ella I need to go pick her up you stay here with Cassie", I yawned.

I headed to Hartford police station to pick her up by the time I arrived it was 2:35 am.

"Hi I'm here for Briella Gilmore" I said to the receptionist.

"Sit there we'll bring her out in a minute", The receptionist replied.

I looked about and saw Dean and Lane. She must have been with James and Laila I thought.

"Briella Gimlore!", A officer shouted.

They brought her out she was clearly still drunk and out of it.

"Get in the car now Ella", I shouted I felt bad but she had gone out of order.

"Whatever", Briella sighed.

We arrived home at 3:30 am.
It was late Luke was still up I got Briella to bed then headed up.

"So what will her punishment be?", Luke asked.

"She's grounded for the week she's did this 2 times already we've gave her so many chances", I sobbed.

"Lorelai it's ok she's just a confused kid Rory left her", Luke reassured me.

"Thanks", I smiled.


"Hey Cassie wake up", I Whispered to her.

"W-what it's 4am Ella let me sleep!",  Cassie snapped.

"Goodnight then!", I huffed in a mood.


I felt so hungover and tired since I got home at 4.

"You're still going to school", Luke said.

"I know I don't care just leave me alone!", I yelled to him. 

"Don't yell Ella!", Lorelai shouted.

I got up and got dressed then headed to meet James we were to hungover for school. So we decided to go out in Hartford.

"James stop", I giggled.

"Come on Ella just one more kiss?",James laughed.

"Fine!", I rolled my eyes giggling.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in and kissed me.

"Briella Gilmore!", A voice shouted.

As soon as I heard the voice I knew I was caught it was Grandma Emily.

"Oh no", I whispered.

"You young boy go home Briella you're coming with me I'm taking you home!", Emily yelled.

We arrived home I was already grounded for a week they'd probably ground me for a month now I thought.

"Mom what are you doing here why's Ella with you?", Lorelai asked confused.

"Your granddaughter here was not at school but in Hartford sitting on a bench kissing a boy!", Emily shouted.

I started laughing hearing her yell was funny. I stopped as soon as she heard me.

"Ella go to your room you're grounded for a month!", Lorelai shouted.

I headed to my room. Grounding me wouldn't stop me so I snuck out.


"Mom I don't know what to do compared to Cassie Ella is trouble", I said.

"It's ok lorelai she's acting out what she needs is Her Mom Rory", Emily reassured.

Emily left after I made the decision to call Rory. We weren't as close since she left Her daughter.


Rory: Mom I'm going on the campaign I can't raise her

Lorelai: You can't just leave your daughter Rory

Rory: yes I can mom I can't raise her alone I'm not you

Lorelai: Rory please

Rory: No goodbye Mom

End of flashback

I called her and she answered.

Rory: Yes hello

Lorelai: Rory Briella is acting out and getting into trouble come back she needs her mom

Rory: Mom I can't

Lorelai: Come back please hunny

Rory: I'll think about it mom I need to go

*End of call*

Briella Lorelai Gilmore-HuntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now