chapter 15

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I had chosen James. Andrew transferred back to Princeton and cut contact with me. I moved back into the dorm with Ashley and Jane.

It had now been a month and I was heading to visit Grandma Lorelai for the weekend and Luke as Cassie was home for a week.

"Cassie it's been so long!", I giggled.

"Feels great to be back in stars hollow!", Cassie smiled.

We hugged eachother and chatted for awhile. We then headed to the diner.

"Cassie and Ella omg it's been so long!", Patty and Babette shouted.

"Yeah we're just visiting!", I smiled.

Luke came out and hugged us both. Grandma was at the inn working.

"Cassie and Ella anything you want I'll make!", Like smiled.

"Dad it's fine I'm not hungry but coffee please!", Cassie giggled.

"Coffee for me too Luke!", i replied.

He made us a coffee to go each. Babbette and patty followed us to the inn to catch up with us.

"Well bye Patty and Babette!", I smiled.

"Few I thought we'd never get rid of them!", Cassie giggled.

We walked in and it was obvious Sookie was here the smell coming from the kitchen. Michel stared at us he looked like he was smiling.

"Michelle it tis us your long lost god daughters!", I giggled.

"Well where's my gift no gift then hug!", Michel complained.

"You've never hugged!", Cassie laughed.

"Well I wanted a gift that's very rude!, Lorelai!, your daughter and granddaughter are here and are already misbehaving!", Michel yelled.

Lorelai came out and hugged us both. I had missed stars hollow so much.

"Grandma I've didn't realise how much I missed stars hollow!", I smiled.

"Mom it's been so long!", Cassie said hugging lorelai.

"I've missed youse both so much!", Lorelai smiled.

We headed into the kitchen and Sookie came running upto us excited.

"New recipe?", i asked her.

"Yes a new recipe for you two as a welcome back meal tonight!", Sookie smiled.

That night we had the meal at the inn then headed back to the house. Mine and Cassie's old room hasn't changed so much. I did leave at 16 but the room looked the same.

"Major deja vu right?", Cassie giggled.

"A lot of memories were made here like me sneaking out nearly every night from 11-16!", I giggled.

I felt connected to stars hollow alot. I was thinking about moving back here one day.

"I know I never reached out to you when I heard about the miscarriage I'm sorry anyway how are you coping?", Cassie smiled hugging me.

"I'm doing fine now and I'm happy in my new relationship with James we did date for 2 years in highschool!", I smiled.

We both fell asleep shortly after. I woke up to the smell of pop tarts grandma and mom's favourite.

I went downstairs to get some pop tarts.

''wow I haven't had a pop tarts in years!" I smiled.

After breakfast I headed back to Yale to see James.

"Miss me?", I giggled.

"Did you miss me is that why you're back!", he smirked.

"Maybe!", I smiled.

We decided to watch a movie. I glanced at James I was bored of this movie.

"Time for a pillow fight!", I shreiked.

"Gimme your hand?", He smirked.

I nodded and he grabbed my and grabbed me by the waist pulling me in.

"All I want is you marry me?", James smiled.

I didn't know what to say was he serious we had only been back together a few weeks. Yes we were together 2 years in highschool.

"Yes!", I shreiked.

We were only 19 guess we'd have a long engagement.
We decided to keep the engagement a secret.

"I should get going back to stars hollow now I'll call you!", I smiled kissing him.

I headed back to stars hollow I decided to tell one person Cassie.

I ran upto the room and done Cassie up.

"Big news!!!", I yelled.

"What I'm trying to sleep?", Cassie yawned.

"I'm engaged to James!", i giggled.

"Are you being seriotyiuse have only been together a few weeks but congratulations!", Cassie smiled hugging me.

We stayed up all night chatting.

I woke up in the morning to my Luke mad at me grandma tried to stop him from yelling.

"Ella look why would you get engaged to him!", Luke yelled.

"Luke I love him it's none of your business anyway!", I snapped.

"Yes it is you're my granddaughter!", he yelled.

I started to feel tears forming in my eyes. I guess Cassie had told them I had forgotten to tell her to not tell anyone.

"Look I'm going back to Yale now goodbye!", I screamed.

I headed out the door slamming it. I glanced back to see if he'd come running after me or if gran would but no.

Briella Lorelai Gilmore-HuntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now