Chapter 6

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It had been a month since the breakup I avoided visiting Grandma, Luke and Cassie I didn't want to bump into James. Laila would come over to Hartford to see me.

I had started hanging out with Andrew more and London.

My grades in school were up and I was doing well.

"Ella I'm surprised you've been so behaved lately!", Rory smiled proudly.

"Yeah and I know it's Early but I want to go to Yale like you and dad one day!", I smiled.

"What really Ella I'm so proud of you!", Logan hugged me.

Mom and Dad had been together for about 3 months now it felt like we were finally a family living together.

"I'm going to study with London I'll be home late im having dinner with Grandma Emily!", I smiled hugging them both.


Logan had left to work things were going really well and hearing Ella call me mom was amazing.

Finally a family I smiled.

Jess had been calling me alot after he heard Ella was in hospital he wanted to make sure I was ok.

I had been feeling like I might still love him though but I couldn't do that to Ella she loved us being a family finally.


"Hey Andrew I told my parents I was studying with London and having dinner with my Grandma!", I giggled.

"So you could spend more time with me?", He smirked.

I blushed and nodded.

"My parents aren't home so you want to drink?", He asked.

I nodded and we headed to the drink cart and took the gin and scotch.

"Wow this is good!", I smiled.

"It is", He whispered grabbing my hand.

He grabbed my hand and I followed him upto his room.
He pulled me in and kissed me things escalated quickly.


I woke up with a sore head in Andrews room. I saw our clothes on the floor then I realised we had slept together.

I got up and grabbed my clothes and changed Andrew woke up and realised too.

"Did you use protection?", I asked him.

"No do you have the pill?", He asked.

I just brushed it off there was no way I would end up pregnant. Andrew drove me home.

"So was that Andrew?", Logan asked curious.

"No London I stayed at hers last night!", I lied.

"Ok then?", Logan said.

I headed upto my room and fell back asleep I was so tired bad hangover.

All of a sudden Dad and Mom ran upstairs saying Grandad was in hospital.

We drove the the hospital but didn't make it in time he was gone.

The next few days were a blur I just locked myself in my room crying like when Grandpa Richard had died.

A few weeks later was his funeral I was avoiding every one. I was close with him and aunt Honor but now he was gone.

After the funeral we headed to the will Reading.

"Hi I'm Mr Weston I was Mr Huntzbergers Lawyer please come in!", Mr Weston smiked greeting us.

Aunt Honor hadn't shown upto the reading.
It was just Me mom and Dad.

We sat down and Mr Weston started reading the will.

"To my son Logan I leave my house and to my Granddaughter Briella I leave everything else to but she may only access it all at 25.",Mr Weston said.

"W-what!", I yelled.

Dad looked happy for me. I smiled though I was set for the future dad would control everything until I was 25. Nobody could contact Aunt Honor she had just vanished. It was normal for her she did it When Grandma passed and her divorce to Josh.

Few weeks later

Things were starting to feel normal again except Grandad not being here.

I suddenly felt sick in the middle of class and ran out. I was sick in the toilet.

I realised I had missed my monthly. Could I be no I couldn't I thought.

Me and Andrew weren't even dating we were just friends with benefits. Things had been going so good for me now.

After class I grabbed Andrew and told him.

"Do you want to go buy a test?", He asked.

I nodded we headed to a pharmacy in Woodbridge I couldn't risk it in Hartford.

I took the test in the toilets there it was negative few I thought.

I headed out to the car and told Andrew it was negative.

He drove me to stars hollow since I was staying and Grandma and Luke's tonight.

"Bye", I smiled kissing him.

He drove off and I saw James standing across the street in shock.

I ran into the house and slammed the door.

"Oh hi Ella hunny!", Lorelai hugged me.

"Ella hi!", Luke smiled.

"Hi Ella!", Cassie smiled.

They all looked freaky they were hiding something.

"What?", I asked confused.

"I'm starting Chilton on Monday I've been moved into your grade to!", Cassie giggled.

Oh no I thought I'd be going to school with my niece but I thought of her as a sister.

"Oh wow great!", I lied.

Briella Lorelai Gilmore-HuntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now