chapter 5

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"Ella hunny school is soon?", I yelled.

I went upto her room and opened the door to find Ella and her boyfriend asleep in her bed together.

Ella woke up and so did James.

"BRIELLA!", I yelled.


"Mom look I snuck out last night it was late so James just crashed here...?", I mumbled worried.

James got up and left immediately wanting to avoid my dad.

I got in the car shortly after and headed to Chilton.
Mom and dad both looked so mad luckily tonight I'd be staying in stars hollow to visit Lorelai and Luke.

"Look I'm sorry!", I yelled slamming the car door.

I bumped into Andrew and my books fell.

"Here let me get it!", He smiled helping me.

"Thanks Andrew!", I smiled at him.

"Heard about your Cotillion Friday I'll be there", He smirked at me.

I felt embarrassed had Honor or Grandad invited my whole year.

"Yeah cool I should get to class bye!", I waved at him running off.

Why wouldn't he leave me alone I sighed. Maybe I liked him a bit but James.

"You get out the way now!", A voice yelled.

"Watch it just ask nicely!", I shouted back.

"Do you know who I am clearly not", The girl rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm a Huntzberger!", I smirked.

"What Mitchum or Logan?", The girl asked curious.

"Logan is my dad Mitchum is my grandad", I smirked.

The girl didn't leave me alone the whole day her name was London Hillard. She was obsessed with being a reporter.

She seemed nice maybe I'd make a new friend I thought.

The next day

I wasn't talking to My mom or dad they were still bad at me I sighed. I had spent the night at Grandma and Luke's so I could see Cassie.

"Bye Grandma and Luke!", I smiled hugging them.

Cassie had went of to school already.

"Bye sweetie!", Lorelai smiled.

James picked me up and Laila we were going shopping at the mall instead of school.

"Stole this from the wine cellar at the new house!", I smirked opening the bottle.

"Wow!", James chuckled kissing me.

"Shopping done let's drink the wine then!", Laila giggled.

We sat in a parking lot in James car and drank the wine.

What happened next was bad James decided to drive and we crashed into a tree.


*Ring ring*

Rory: Yes hello Rory Gilmore

Officer: Is this Miss Gilmore?

Rory: Yes what's happened

Officer: Your Daughter Briella Gilmore has been In a car crash with 2 friends she's at Hartford memorial hospital

Rory: Is she ok

Officer: She was airlifted to the hospital you should go now

*End of call*


*Ring ring*

Rory: Logan leave work now Ella's at the hospital Hartford memorial

Logan: What what happened

Rory: A car crash she's not in good condition

*End of call*

I drove to the hospital and Met Rory there and called Honor and My Father.


"Mom you're here!", I sniffled.

"Where is she can we see her?", Lorelai asked panicked.

"She's in surgery right now they said that's all I've been told", I said in tears.

Lane and Zach arrived with Dean and Lindsay.

"What are youse doing here?", I asked confused.

"Laila was in the crash too she's awake just a broken leg how's Ella?", Lane smiled hugging me.

"In surgery still", I sniffled.

"Dean are you ok is James ok?", I asked.

"No he's in surgery too I was told Ella and James were in the front seats", Dean explained.

Emily, Luke, Cassie, Honor and Mitchum all arrived at the hospital waiting on news about Ella.

"Logan and Rory?", A nurse shouted.

We walked up to the nurse.

"Your daughter is out of surgery she's starting to wake up youse can both head to see her now nobody else", The nurse explained.


I woke up confused was I in a hospital what happened. My leg was in a cast my head hurts.

My mom and dad came running into the room upset.

"W-what h-happened?", I mumbled.

"Hunny you were in a crash you hit a tree", Rory sobbed.

"Where's James and Laila?", I asked panicked.

"Laila is perfectly fine just a broken leg too and James we have no news yet", Logan explained hugging me.

A doctor walked in to talk to my parents.
I overhead the doctor saying they found high alcohol levels in my blood.


"I'm sorry please!", I sobbed in pain.

"Logan take it easy on her she wasn't the one driving", Rory said calming him down.

Dad calmed down but still seemed mad at me.

I had a broken leg which had needed surgery on it.
I spent 2 weeks in hospital James was ok so was Laila.

My cotillion got rescheduled I got to stay of school for a month.


I felt so nervous about the cotillion.

"You look Amazing!", James smirked kissing me.

I walked down with my dad in the white dress then I met James and he escorted me it was a great cotillion.

"Hey are you ok now I heard about the crash?", Andrew asked smiling again Me.

"Y-yes I'm back at school tomorrow too cast is off to!", I blushed.

James saw and he grabbed me a room me somewhere closed off.

"Ella do you like him?", James whispered.

"I don't James!", I lied.

"No Ella I don't believe you!", James yelled everyone stared.

"James please!", I pleaded.

"We're done Ella goodbye!", James yelled storming out.

Not how I had expected my cotillion to go. On the ride home I was in tears and went straight to bed.

Briella Lorelai Gilmore-HuntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now