chapter 13

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"So Mom and Jess What's the news?", i asked.

"Well Hun I'm pregnant!", Rory smiled.

"What really I'm finally going to be a big sister well I already am to Cassie in a way!", I giggled.

I couldn't believe it I was so happy. I was finally going to be a big sister.

"I hope it's a girl!", Jess smiled.

"Yeah I want a little sister mom!", I giggled.

"I want a boy to name after grandpa", Rory replied.

After dinner with them I headed back to Yale.
It has been 3 weeks since I slept with James. I decided to not tell Andrew.

Id been avoiding James. He tried talking to me a few times. This weekend I'd be heading to Princeton to visit Andrew.

"All packed yet?", Ashley asked.

"Nope but London is going to come too our old trio back together!", i giggled.

"Sounds fun I'm heading to see my dad!", Ashley replied.

I packed up and drove to long drive to Princeton. London arrived at the same time as me.

"You made it Ell and London!", Andrew greeted us.

"Forgetting something?", I pouted.

He kissed my cheek. Then helped take our bags to his apartment off campus. He had his own apartment off campus.

"Guest room over there London!", Andrew said pointing to the room.

We got ready for the party that was happening a Halloween party.

"Love the costume ell!", Andrew smirked.

We headed to the party. London ended up leaving early with a guy she met. Andrew and I stayed late. The next morning we woke up in his apartment with hangovers.

"I think I'm about to be sick!", I gagged running to the bathroom.

I threw up all day. I must have drank too much.

"Feeling any better?", London asked.

"No but I think I know why could you do me a favour?", i whispered.

I thought I could be pregnant 3 weeks ago I slept with James and Andrew. I was also late.

"Anything Ella?", London smiled.

"Don't tell Andrew but I think I'm pregnant could you run to target across the road and grab me a test?", i whispered.

"Sure!", London replied worried.

She came back with 3 tests. Andrew had went out to get some food. I took all 3 tests all were positive.

Who was the dad I'm only 18.
I'm still in Yale what was going to happen.

I burst out into tears. Luckily London was asleep and didn't hear. Andrew came in and found me in the bathroom crying and saw the tests.

"Ella is it true?", Andrew asked hugging me.

"Y-yes I'm pregnant suprise", I mumbled.

"Hey it's ok I know we're young but we'll figure it out Ella!", He smiled grabbing my hand to help me up.

He must be the dad I only slept with James once. We discussed the options and decided we'd keep the baby.

The following day I returned to Yale with Andrew. We had to tell our parents.

*Ring ring*

Rory: hey hunny what's up

Ella: mom I need you to come over

Rory: are you ok you sound upset

Ella: I know you and dad aren't speaking but I've asked him to come to

Rory: Ella I'm on my way now has something happened

Ella: I'll tell you when you're here bye

*End of call*

I was so worried we had already told Andrews parents who said they'd cut him off.

Dad arrived first then Mom.
They say down awkwardly nit saying a thing to eachother.

"Ella Hun are you ok?", Logan panicked.

"Yes actually Andrew is here because we have something to say", I whispered.

"Youse didn't get married did youse!", Rory worried.

"No no but i-im pregnant!", I blurted out.

Dad didn't say a word he just got up and left.
Mom looked upset but was supportive.

"Mom what do I do?", I sobbed.

"Well Andrew will transfer to Yale he told me he would and I'll help you in any way you need Ell it'll be ok!", Rory smiled hugging me.

3 weeks later

We had the first scan today. Andrew had just transferred to Yale and we got an apartment together.

"So looks like you're 6 weeks along!", the Dr explained.

"Wow that's our baby!", Andrew smiled holding my hand.

"Yeah that's our baby!", I giggled.

I still hadn't told anyone else except my mom and dad. After the appointment we headed to tell grandma Emily.

She wasn't happy but was excited to be a great great grandma. Then I told grandma Lorelai and Luke who were so excited.

I called Cassie and she was excited to be an Auntie.

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