Chapter 2

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May 1, 2017
Capitol Station

Ethan, Amber's mentor, was waiting for her at the station, where he saw the train; where the 10 tributes from district 12 were; approaching.
When the train arrived, he watched carefully those who got off, when he saw Thomas McLeod helping Lucy get off, and doing the same with Amber, they had all learned to know each other a minimum during the trip, Amber looking at him with gratitude when he helped her sister and herself.
Observing the station, she crossed Ethan's gaze, he gave her a slight smile and said:
"Welcome to the Capitol"
Amber looked at him puzzled and with a kind of contempt before saying:
"You don't look like you belong here"
To which Ethan replied:
"I shouldn't, I'm your mentor and I wanted to see you with my own eyes"
She looked at him with the same contempt:
"You're just one of those rich people who don't care what happens to us"
He then said:
"I'm here to protect you, Amber, I'll do my best to keep you alive"
Further away, Sophia, who had earlier refused to get off the train, was forcibly removed from it with some violence by the peacekeepers. Ethan, hearing what had happened, turned around surprised and at that moment, Amber said to him sarcastically:
"Well good luck with that champion"
The tributes then headed to another wagon that this time took them directly to the Capitol.

Once they arrived, the tributes found themselves in a room where the other mentors were.
Lucy and Amber had not let go of each other's hand since they arrived at the station, they were still as frightened of each other, while Lucy was ready to follow her mentor's advice to survive, Amber, she, was on the reserve, she blamed the Capitol for the death of her father, and she hated them for it.
While Ethan tried to put Amber at ease, she observed her sister and the other tributes from afar, Ethan then said to her:
"Amber if you want to survive, you'll have to listen to me"
"I can manage very well on my own, I don't need you and even less your advice"
"Listen I know you have a hard time trusting me, but you'll never win without a minimum of mental preparation for what awaits you"
"I don't care" she answered
Then she continued:
"There can only be one female winner, right?"
"Indeed" he replied
"Then don't waste your time with me, if my sister dies in the arena, there's no question of me getting out alive"
"Think of your family, do you really think it will do your mother any good to lose her two daughters"
"She lost them the moment our names were drawn"
Ethan sighed and said:
"Listen I'm not asking you to trust me 100%, I'm just asking you to believe me when I say I'll do what I can to keep you alive as long as possible but for that I need you to cooperate, I need to know your strengths, what could help you once in the arena"
"Listen I... I'm a singer, fighting is not my strong point"
"Isn't there something that could set you apart from the others?"
"Yes I know how to shoot a bow, but I doubt there will be one at my disposal in the arena"
"Ok, now let's assume there is one, you don't have to go get it right away, they're all going to the center, you'll have to go the other way, you'll come get a weapon later"
"No" she said
"I'm willing to listen to your advice, I'll take it into account, but in the arena I'll do things my way, if I want to follow your advice I'll do it, but if I don't feel like it you won't be able to force me"

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