Chapter 24

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May 12, 2018
District 12

Amber was in a secluded corner by the lake, playing Lucy's guitar.
Maude and Thomas were at the Hob, looking for something to eat.
Joana was catching up on her nightmare-filled sleep.

Ethan and Alicia were, as planned, in District 12, talking to the Peacekeepers. Being close to the Seam, they observed with sorrow the contrast between the Capitol and District 12. They knew it might never change, and it saddened Ethan.

Maude and Thomas talked as they returned from the Hob, Maude complaining as usual:
"Wait, but the tesserae you have to take just to eat, it's crazy! And I don't see why at the Hob they would have everything they need to live and not at the Seam. The functioning of this district is crappy."
"Maude, I think they're calling us, it's possible they heard you."
"No, maybe it's about last night, and then there's Curly with the Peacekeeper, that suits me."
"Well, I'll take all this to your place."
"No problem."

Ethan and Alicia didn't quite understand what was happening, but they said nothing. When Maude was close enough, the Peacekeeper said to her:
"You're the guitarist, right?"
"Do you have something to eat? I have some stuff for you, your sister, and your cousin otherwise. The double victor is your cousin?"
"Perfect! Well, here's something to pay for the show you gave last night."
"Thank you. And, uh... it seems they've called all the Peacekeepers to gather near the Justice Building."
"Really? Well, I'm going then. Have a good day, Baird."

When the Peacekeeper left, Maude said to Ethan:
"She's in a secluded corner by the lake, go there a bit after me, I don't want to get into trouble because of someone I didn't want to see in the first place."
Ethan thanked Maude, then she left.

He waited a few minutes before heading to the place Maude had indicated. The closer he got, the more he heard the sound of a guitar and Amber's voice:

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree ?
Where they strung up a man
They say who murdered three"

Who was she talking about?

"Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be, if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, are you, coming to the tree ?
Where the dead man called out
For his love to flee"

Where the dead man called out for his love to flee?
This phrase made no sense to Ethan. He tried to find the meaning of these words but couldn't.

"Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be, if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, are you..."

She probably made a wrong note with the guitar, and it must have annoyed her. For a moment, she looked at the sky and said:
"I wish you were here."

Ethan accidentally stepped on a branch that cracked, causing Amber to stand up, looking scared but quickly trying to hide it.
"I didn't mean to scare you."
"You didn't scare me," Amber defended herself.
"You have a beautiful voice."
"Which you had already heard."
"Yes, I mean... you sing well."

Amber was amused; he was shyer and more careful with his words when she was around.

"Thank you."

He quickly glanced at Amber's bag, where the brooch he had given her was attached, smiled, and said:
"You kept it?"
Amber turned to the brooch:
"You can take it back, it's yours anyway."
"No, I don't want to take it back, it's yours now."
"What did you want?"
"To talk to you."
"If you just wanted to talk, there was no need to come."

She began to look away when Ethan said:
"The brooch. Do you know why I gave it to you?"
"Because even before you entered the arena, I was starting to develop feelings for you. I hoped the brooch would protect you, it was also so that, even in the arena, you would feel supported. I thought you needed it at that moment, more than I did in the Capitol. Amber, I'm sincere when I say I want us to get to know each other better."

Amber asked, unsure of herself:
"Was the brooch your proof that you truly love me?"
"Yes, and also the fact that I take risks to come see you, especially here."
"My family is one of the most powerful in the Capitol, you can't imagine what they can do to us if they think of us as potential rebels, as traitors."
"They would want to make examples of you?"

Amber hesitated for a few seconds before asking:
"What's your favorite color?"
"Sorry?" Ethan replied, amused.
"You wanted us to get to know each other, right? That's how civilized people do it."

Her response amused Ethan, who then answered her question:
"Yellow, like the sun?"
"No, not too bright a yellow, more like a sunset yellow."

"And you? What's your favorite color?"
"Blue. Like the water of this lake."
"I wouldn't have thought. I would have thought of a brighter color."
"Like my dress at the Reaping?"
"Like your dress at the Reaping."

Amber and Ethan looked at each other in silence, their eyes speaking more than their words ever could.

Ethan took a step forward, reducing the distance between them. Amber felt her heart beat faster, but she didn't move. She knew what was going to happen, and she wanted it as much as he did.

Without a word, slowly, Ethan leaned towards Amber, and their lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss.

The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the present moment, filled with feelings and emotions. They stayed like that, lost in their kiss, savoring every second of this deep and sincere connection.

When they finally separated, their eyes met again, and a knowing smile appeared on their faces. They didn't need words to understand what they felt for each other. Their hearts spoke for themselves.

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