Chapter 3

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Three Days Later…

Soft whimpering had him shooting up from where he soon found himself in a bed. 

"Calm down…I must apologise we didn't realise that you were allies" a soft toned voice had hazel eyes turning to see a young woman with bleach blond hair, she was smiling at him.  

"Where am I? Who are you?" Tech asked only to hear other grunts and groans. He turned his head to see other beds which held Rex, Hunter, Wrecker and Echo. His eyes went wide when he couldn't spot Crosshair or their daughter.

"You are on the planet called Serenity. I am Darlita, the daughter of Queen Sorson, sister to Caspian and…" 

"Argh, my head! What happened?" Wrecker's words had Tech shifting attention, Darlita smiled until she gasped when the one with the bandana was on his feet and held a knife. Rex calmly walked over wanting to know what was going on.

“Where’s Crosshair!?!” Hunter demanded, “Where’s our daughter?” he added, his threat clearly heard. 

“Look I’m sure you have questions but I will not answer them unless you put the knife down. I’m sure you are all good people but if you are a clear threat, I will not take you to my brother or niece until I can…” 

“Brother?” Rex interrupted while placing a hand on Hunter’s shoulder to calm him down. 

“Yes brother, now come with me. I will make sure to reunite you all with your armour and my brother” Darlita smugly said, she turned only for her coat to wave in the air. The batch and Rex had nothing better to do than follow her, Echo was helped to walk especially since his prosthetics weren’t working properly. Wrecker carried him which had him grimacing while Tech claimed he would check them out soon. 

Darlita ignored their looks and stupid questions as she led them to what looked like a ballroom, the group continued through the many doors until she opened one leading to a lounge. The batch almost collapsed in relief, seeing a certain baby girl asleep in a cot beside an elegant older woman who had white hair, she was pale in her skin tone. She wore what was fit for a royal, a few crystals were attached to her dress, a coat covered her body as she hummed quietly to the baby girl they all knew as Omega. 

“Oh, you must be my son’s…what’s the word?” 

“Partners mother and acquaintance” Crosshairs soft tone had all heads turning to the marksman who was leaning against a nearby doorway, he was still in his batch armour but something was different about him. His silver hair had bits of white at the end of it, his skin more pale, his eyes were a violet. He wasn’t wearing gloves as well which had the batch tilting their heads until they noticed a certain ring which had appeared on his hand followed by a chain glove that was over his birthmark. 

“Yes, whatever it is that you call it son. Now please take a seat. I would like to discuss something with you all. My name is not allowed to be spoken unless in private but you can call me ‘Sorson’, it means angel in our own language…” 

“More like devil” Crosshair whispered, making Darlita smile while their mother ignored them.

“What was that son?” 

“Nothing, do continue before you bore me to death” Crosshair grunted out, he moved over to the batch who took various seats. Hunter was the closest to Omega while Tech sat closer to Crosshair who leaned against a nearby bookstand. Wrecker stood behind Hunter, Echo took a seat beside Tech and Rex sat nearby. 

Sorson ignored her children who had moved closer passing something between one another, “My son has explained that you are indeed having your own problem regarding a certain brother than none of you have the possibilities to locate him, is that correct?” Rex nodded watching the woman with curious eyes, she only smiled. “I believe the reason you haven’t been able to locate him is because he is within a force endura area that only those who seek past the force can locate him. With this knowledge now, the only possibility is for someone with the power to search through strands of the force to find this brother but as simple as it seems. It’s not” 

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