Chapter 6

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“Well that went well” 

“Don’t you dare blame me, captain. We all know who’s fault this is” Tech snapped at Rex who glared at him. Echo sighed, stepping in between the two and shaking his head. 

“Personally I think it was the shitty call by your sergeant…at least you did one thing right and sent your marksman away” Gregor sniped at Hunter, the sergeant was beating himself up on the inside beside Wrecker who had an arm wrapped around him. The giant glared at Gregor and went to say something when another spoke, another prisoner opposite him. 

“No wonder your sniper left, if all you do is bicker” the comment had all attention shifting. 

“Yeah, I did hear that the sniper of clone force 99 left to find a more comfortable seat in the admiral’s lap” another prisoner added, the batch shared looks of rage. Rex sighed, knowing some still had closed off opinions of others. 

“Wonder if the pups lost without his master” one of them added with a laugh. 

“Hey!” Wrecker roared, he was about to continue when an explosion shook the facility. 

“Woah, what was that?” Gregor gasped out, he tried to see past the cell wall but couldn’t see anything. His answer he got when the whole facility shook. 

“Hunter, back away from the west wall” 

The sergeant jumped hearing his comm unit go off, the cold tone familiar. 

“Crosshair? What the hell? Don’t you listen to instructions….” Echo snarled out. 

“Not any more….” 

Those words they all knew were painful to say, but all could only smile knowing their partner stuck to his word. 

“Ready whenever Cross, but we will be having words when we get out of here” 


Echo shared a grin with Wrecker who nodded, both of them ready especially when the cell wall was blasted open and the prison crumbled, all outside walls fell apart. The clones who had been snapping comments found the doors to their cells breaking down and they were let out. 

“Follow us, if you want somewhere new you can make a difference” Rex called out, several clones and captured individuals followed the captain who smiled underneath his helmet which he had been reunited with as had the armour and weapons the others carried. 

It was strange escaping an imperial prison while not seeing any enemies but when explosions rocketed the rest of the prison making it crumple, the batch knew exactly who was responsible especially when they heard what sounded like fighting and all eyes turned to the landing platform where a certain marksman was in hand to hand combat with another. On top of that Crosshair wasn’t messing around, he held Hunter’s knife in his hand and wasn’t taking any chances, his fingers kept tightening on the handle as he ended the life of the imperial and lifted his head to see the others. 

The batch were quick to run towards him, he couldn’t help but smile when he was in the centre of their hug as he heard the scolding words coming from his partners. 

“Oh, how nice. The good old commander has found a place inside the ugly pack” a clone snarked out. The batch froze, turning to face the clone who only smirked. 

“Funny, I don’t see you in this pack” Crosshair was quick to snipe back, Hunter smirked under his helmet but then frowned when a gun was lifted in Crosshairs direction by a few clones. 

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