Maybe Eating is a Good Idea..

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It's been two days since the last patrol. Donnie said that if I were dehydrated then it could take up to three days to feel better. But as time went on, I only got worse no matter how much water I drank, and I knew it was because I wasn't eating.

Of course, I know I should eat. I know I should. But I've lost so much weight so far! I can't lose that progress now..I'll wait a few more days before I eat. That should be fine. I heard Don say you can go weeks without food. Plus, if I keep going, soon enough my brothers will probably notice and be proud of the amount of weight I lost!

Groaning, I pushed myself up on my bed. I felt lightheaded and my mind felt all fuzzy. I picked my T-phone up from my nightstand and checked the time. It's already eleven!? Why didn't anyone wake me up!? Leo always made sure that we are all up at eight at the latest, six if we were training!

I bounced off my bed and quickly bent down and picked up my mask and gear off the floor. When I stood back up a huge wave of nausea hit me out of nowhere, forcing me to sit back on my bed before I ended up falling to the ground. I brought my hand up to my head, trying to force the gross feelings away.

After a few minutes, it finally surpassed, but my head began to hurt and I felt gross all over. Taking a deep breath, I slowly put my gear on, leaving the mask for the last step. I sat there for a moment, debating whether I should just go back to bed or if I should go out there and get yelled at.

I decided I shouldn't sleep the rest of the day away, so I got up, opened my door, and quietly headed for the kitchen. Knowing my brothers, or at least Leo, will scold me for sleeping in. I hope to whatever pizza god is out there, that everyone is busy and I'll have at least twenty minutes of living before then.

Walking was a lot harder than it had been the last few days. Even though we hadn't done anything intense since our last patrol, my legs kept wobbling slightly, and I couldn't control it.

I walked into the kitchen and was thankful to be the only one here. I grabbed a huge glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water. From the looks of the many dishes in the sink, my brothers had made their own breakfast and had all eaten. As I brought the cup up to my mouth, I noticed the water moving around. I stopped midway and stared at the glass only to focus on my hands and arms. Why am I shaking?

I placed the glass on the counter and gripped the sides of it, suddenly feeling a new wave of nausea hit me. That only seemed to make the shaking worse. Or maybe I was shaking the whole time and I'm only now noticing it the more I wake up? Either way, I'm shaking badly.

I gulped down the bile rising in my throat, and quickly lifted the cup back to my mouth and chugged the whole thing. I then filled it once more and chugged that glass too, before placing my glass in the sink. I then plugged the sink up and turned the hot water on, pouring a little soap so the water can get all soapy. After the sink was filled up about halfway I took the sponge that was sitting beside the tap and began washing, turning off the flowing water.

Breakfast is the only meal that everyone cooks on their own. Sometimes when I'm feeling like it I will cook up some omelettes or waffles for everyone. But usually, we just stick with toast, yogurt, or even some cereal. It's easy, and even my brothers can handle preparing it themselves. It's kind of funny how bad they all are at cooking. You'd think even one of them would have figured it out by now. But no. Even Donnie can't even make a simple egg unless it's scrambled. But whenever he cooks them, they are either too slimy or too rubbery.

To be fair though, Donnie can cook. It just doesn't taste the greatest, so I choose to say otherwise. Plus, I love that it bugs him when I say he can't cook.

As I was finishing up with the dishes, lost in thought, I didn't realize that Raph was standing by the fridge with his eyes set on me. So after I grabbed one of the dried cups and went to put it in the cupboard, I just about dropped it when he came into view.

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