Everything is Going to be Just Fine.

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"Oh my god, Mikey!" Donnie yelled burying his face in his hands. "What on God's earth made you think that was a good idea!?!"

I cringed at how loud he got and tried to lean further back into the chair I was sitting on.

Raph had just finished telling them everything I had already confessed to him. Donnie wasn't taking it well. At all.

"I know it was stupid, Donnie, I just-" I began to say only for him to interrupt with a growl. His hands dropped from his face and he came closer to me, throwing his arms into the air.

"Stupid? Mikey, that was more than stupid!! You can't just stop eating!!"

"Donnie, calm down. We don't need to yell." Leo came closer and put a hand on Donnie's shoulder, only to be shrugged off.

"Calm down?! Leo, he was quite literally starving himself! On purpose! Do you not understand how dangerous that is?!"

I cringed. I understood that not eating could kill you. But that takes like, a few weeks without eating anything. And before I passed out, I was doing just fine!

"It wasn't even that bad..." I whispered. More to myself than anything, however, loud enough that the others heard. Everyone froze. Donnie then slowly turned his head towards me. His eyes were wide and full of anger. It was honestly terrifying.

"Not. That. bad?" He mumbled quietly. He then repeated the sentence twice more, getting louder and louder each time. "Mikey. You could have died! Do you not get that?! If you kept going the way you were going-"

"I wasn't going to let myself die, Dee. I was handling it just fine." I crossed my arms and huffed out in anger.

"Fine?! Passing out due to overall exhaustion is not fine! Mikey, you need food! Food is literally what gives you the energy to get up and move around. Without it, your body starts eating at your muscles in an attempt to keep going! Without any energy, your body will betray itself as a last resort and eventually your organs will start to give out! How is all of that, fine?!"

I stared at Donnie in shock. Okay, maybe it was a little worse than I thought...

Trying to look away from Donnie's rage, I made eye contact with Leo and Raph, both with their mouths open. Raph's eyes were still red from crying earlier, and he had put his mask back on. Leo's eyes are a little bit shinier than normal as well. Then out of nowhere, Raph turned around and left the lab, leaving me alone with Leo and Donnie.


"I just don't understand how you can be this stupid, Mikey! I would have thought that you had some sort of brain in that hollow head of yours to know that-" Without uttering a word, I stood up and walked over to Donnie while he was yelling at me, and I hugged him, stopping his rant immediately. I felt him stiffen up, and at first, I was worried that maybe I overstepped. That maybe I read him wrong and that a hug was the last thing that he needed.

Donnie's always been weird when it comes to touch. Some days it's all he needs or wants, and other days, you can't even lay a finger on him or else he'll freak out. So hugging him like this was pretty bold, especially since he's yelling at me, but soon enough he relaxed into the touch and slowly returned the hug.

"I'm sorry Donnie. Leo. I didn't mean for this to get this far..." I whispered, loud enough for Leo to hear me. Suddenly, I felt Donnie start to shake, and at first, I was confused. But when I heard the small little whine come from him I froze. He's crying.

I hugged him tighter, looking over at Leo for help but he was watching us with his eyes full to the brim with unshed tears as well. I let out a breath and opened one of my arms, silently telling him to join. He did so without any hesitation, and as soon as he joined he let out a broken sob. And his sob, made Donnie sob, and hearing both of them sob, made me start tearing up.

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