004. "why not?"

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SOFIA HAD slammed the door to her own cabin. Which was rare since she was either always either in cabin 11 or somewhere else. She hated her cabin.

It felt like a constant reminder that she was alone. And yeah she liked being alone but she hated being lonely. She didn't have any half brothers or sisters, she didn't even have any siblings.

Sofia sat on her bed and sighed "quest? I don't need to go on a stupid quest." She thought to herself. She was already claimed. She didn't need to prove herself anymore.

Just then annabeth opened the door and walked into Sofias cabin. "Sofia? why did you run off like that?" annabeth said while leaning on the door frame.

"I don't wanna go on this quest. it's so stupid." Sofia said while crossing her arms. "Why not? It's not stupid Sofia. It'll be fun!" Annabeth tried to sound convincing but everyone in camp knows quests are no fun.

"Yeah right. Not only do I have to go on a quest but I have to do it with merman." Sofia was talking about Percy. Sofia had a ... unique way of finding nicknames for people. For 2 years Grover was "goaty Mc floaty".

Annabeth sighed and shook her head "well, if I know one thing your the smartest person on that quest so maybe it'll be easier." Sofia smiled. She liked hearing that she was smart. Especially when it came from annabeth.

annabeth pulled a hat out of her pocket which she had jammed in. "here. I know it's mine and it was a gift from my mom but it could really help you." She handed it to Sofia

It was the blue cap that made her turn invisible. Sofia looked at annabeth with a thank you look and took the cap from her.

"Well im gonna go. Make sure you pack well. You know money and all that stuff " annabeth said before walking away from the cabin.

Sofia sighed to herself and shook her head "can't believe I'm doing this." Sofia got up from her bed and grabbed her bag. she was doing this.


"HOW MUCH money did they give you?" Luke asked as he walked into Percy's cabin. Percy was gathering the last of his things for this quest when Luke had walked in.

"Um, 200 dollars in cash and a bag of these." Percy grabbed a plastic ziplock bag with gold coin looking...coins? Percy stood up to show the bag to Luke.

"I think they're Canadian, maybe?" Percy said while inspecting the bag of gold coins. "Or from Chuck E. Cheese, I don't know." He looked up at Luke.

"They're golden drachmas. Dollars for human world, drachmas for the mythic world, don't mix em' up" Luke said while walking closer to Percy. percy took notice that Luke was holding a box in between his arm and his torso.

Luke took the box he was holding and handed it to Percy. "I brought you this." He said. Percy set down the bag of drachmas, grabbed the box and sat down with Luke sitting next to him.

Percy didn't know what to expect it could be a box with food or a box with even more money or even a box full of scorpions that could kill him in 60 seconds. he opened the box and...shoes. the box had shoes in them. red converse. wow.

"Well these are...interesting." Percy said with an unimpressed tone. Luke chuckled and grabbed one of the shoes. he held it up to his face and exhaled "Maia." With that the shoe grew one wing on the out side of the shoe.

Percy looked at the shoe with its fluttering wing as if it were about to fly away. it only had one wing so if it did try and fly away it wouldn't get far. "Those are interesting." Percy said his voice now impressed. he smiled a bit before observing the shoe even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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