002. "wait what?"

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SOFIA AND Annabeth were following Clarisse and her "gang" into the bathrooms because they saw Percy with them. Sofia spotted them first and then got Annabeth to help just in case.

"What do you think she's doing?" Annabeth whispered. The two girls were hiding behind a cabin and watching to see who would leave first or if they heard something.

"I don't know but it's Clarisse so nothing good." As Sofia finished her sentence she noticed Clarisse walking angrily out of the bathroom soaking wet.

Annabeth and Sofia exchanged looks before running into the bathroom to find the whole floor flooded about an inch. Annabeth leaned on the door frame and watched as Percy looked around confused.

Sofia stood there looking at all the water wondering who was going to have to clean this up, then she snapped back into reality when she heard Percy speaking.

"I can explain." He said. He was trying to convince annabeth but it sounded like he was just trying to convince himself. Annabeth scoffed and said"No you can't." Sofia giggled before changing back to a serious look.

"Okay...wait I know you." Percy said while tilting his head and all of a sudden annabeth got really nervous. "no you don't." She said while trying to keep her composure

"Yeah but you were there the night in the infirmary..and you.." Percy pointed at Sofia and Sofia pointed at herself. "Me?" She said while confused. "Yeah... you were in Mr.D's office."

Sofia laughed. "Oh yeah right I was." She looked at annabeth and annabeth could all ready hear the amount of questions she was going to get. But Percy went back to talking to annabeth.

"Yes. I was there in the infirmary. I'm annabeth." Annabeth said and Sofias breath hitched. Annabeth had lied about not meeting percy. Sofia wasn't all that mad but she just wanted to know why. But she didn't ask any questions yet.

"Are you stalking me annabeth?" Percy said and Sofia held in a laugh with how sassy Percy was. But just her luck annabeth was sassy too.

"Yes." Annabeth said with no shame at all about 'stalking' Percy. Sofia was about to make a comment before deciding to just keep to herself.

"Okay... why?" Percy said. His confusion was funny if you asked Sofia.

"Well I've been waiting to see if something like this would happen," annabeth gestured to the water that was everywhere. She crossed her arms again and spoke "so I'd know if you could help us." She said.

Sofia understood what annabeth was getting at and crossed her arms too. Not because she wanted to seem intimidating, but because now? She was annoyed.

"Help you guys do what?" Percy said.

"Win capture the flag." As soon as annabeth said that sentence sofia uncrossed her arms "wait what?!" Before annabeth could speak Sofia stormed out of the bathrooms and headed to her cabin. Which was empty considering the fact that she was the only Persephone child.


"I JUST don't understand! Why wouldn't you tell me that you already met Percy and why would you ask him to help us with capture the flag?!" Sofia said while her and annabeth were practicing their sword play together.

Annabeth sighed and put her sword down. "I didn't tell you I met him because you already sounded like you hated him! And I don't know I just didn't wanna tell you that's all!" Annabeth watched the others sword fight with eachother.

They were practicing for the game of capture the flag. At camp half-blood capture the flag is pretty intense. And annabeth and Sofia were the team captains. They've won 3 times in a row.

THE END IS NO WHERE NEAR , Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now