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"They know." I'm taken off guard once Pope storms into my room and nervous wreck. "Huh?" How did he even get in? "Your grandad let me in." Of course, I was having a lovely little nap but I guess that was over now. "Pope calm down, come sit here." I say patting the spot beside me. "They know Nara." He repeats as he flops down beside me, "who knows what?"

"Rafe and Topper, they were just outside of Hayward's they-"

"They don't know anything because there's nothing to know." I interrupt him calmly. "Nara." He persists but I shake my head and pat his shoulder. "There's nothing to know Pope. Have you told JJ, what'd he say?" I ask sitting up properly as I watch my still panicked friend. "Same as you, deny, deny, deny." I nod in agreement, "see everything will be fine, we know what we're doing."

He doesn't look convinced. "It'll be okay Pope, I promise, now come on you wanna go surf?" He agrees and I'm glad, hopefully it'll get his mind off all this.

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After I leave Pope I decide to get home seeing as my grandparents were planning on going on another little trip, this one was longer than just a night though. My Nana had surprised my Nani with a cruise. She was hesitant to leave me but he persisted that I could be trusted and of course I wouldn't do anything to let him down.

"Remember the rules Nara." My grandmother says as I am saying my goodbyes. "Don't worry Nani." She looks as if she's about to say something but then she stops herself. "You're a good girl Nara, I do love you." She says making my face soften. "I know Nani, I love you too." I tell her before hugging her. "Now have good time, take so many pictures because I wanna see everything when you get back." They both smile and kiss my forehead. "We'll miss you Janu." My Nana says making me smile, "I'll miss you too." A beep outside and one last forehead kiss each and then they're gone.

I just about get to the kitchen once there's a knock at the door. My brows furrow trying to think who that could be. "Kie." She sends me a tight smile and I feel just as awkward as she looks. "Uh come in, what's up." I'm not sure how to act right now. "Uh I came to say sorry, we miss you Nara, I miss you. I don't know what came over me the other day. I do trust you, I always trusted you, I really am sorry for making you feel so shitty and I'm sorry it took me so long to come here. I was embarrassed but it feels like I've not seen you in forever and I feel like I'm going crazy with the boys." She stares at me expectantly after her rant and I simply smile. "I missed you too, it's okay all is forgiven Kie. Pogues for life." She matches my smile before she throws her arms around me.

"Hey there's this movie playing in the park later, please come with us. I'm tryna convince Pope and JJ to come too." She offers making me grin, "yeah that sounds like fun."

After convincing the boys to come with us, Kiara and I stay and chill at mine. She tells me everything they'd been up to over the past few days and I sit there in disbelief, I don't say or show it but I feel jealous that they were out having this adventure and I wasn't apart of it. Usually we did everything together and I know they'd apologised now but at first they didn't want me to be there for it.

─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───

"J!" We meet up with the guys at the park, but I just see JJ as Kiara and Pope go to find us a good spot. He laughs and lifts me up as I run and jump at him. "Aren't you glad you came now?" I ask as he sets me down, "you know I'm glad to spend any time with you." I shake my head as I laugh at his ridiculousness. "You know my grandparents are away for a while, you should stay over. We wouldn't have to sneak you in."  His brows raise, "but climbing up to your room is most of the fun." He tells me as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "you can still climb up to my room weirdo." He kisses my cheek and promises me he'll be there before he joins Kie and Pope.

I go to grab us some snacks and I've just ordered when I feel someone come up beside me. "What do you want?" I ask my mood souring once I look up to see Rafe. "Come on Nara, don't be like that, I was just coming over to say hi how're you doing?" I don't answer him and instead glare, waiting for him to leave me alone. "You seem to have made up with your pouges, that's good." I roll my eyes, "go away Rafe." Instead he steps closer to me and leans down, "fine if that's how you're gonna be, tell your boy we know what he did." I don't let his words phase me, this wasn't my first rodeo with these clowns. "Don't know what you're talking about." I shrug seeming bored, he gives me an unamused chuckle as he stares down at me.

"He'll know."

"Tell him yourself then."

"That'll be 15.99" we're both pulled away from each other once the cashier returns with my stuff. Before I can say anything Rafe slides some money across to the cashier and then winks at me. "Enjoy the movie." I roll my eyes and grab my stuff before going back to my friends. "Everything okay?" Kie asks as I settle in beside Pope. "What did Rafe want?" He asks as I pass the stuff out. "Nothing, he's just being a dumbass." I say trying to shrug it off but Pope is panicking. "You know he said something weird to me before, he knows something you did?" Kie adds making Popes freak out way worse, JJ then starts spouting his nonsense about how he's gonna come out swinging if they come at him and then he lifts his bag saying that was his backup plan. I want to smack him so hard right now, why did he bring his dumbass gun with him?

"Yeah, yeah so we just gotta stay in the group. They can't come get us if we're in the group." I shake my head as Kie looks between them. "I'm sorry JJ... please tell me you did not bring a gun here? JJ, there are kids." I pull my knees up and cross my arms hiding my face in the crook. "No. Kie I didn't bring the gun, everything's fine okay?"

"Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues, what was Rafe talking about?" I keep my face hidden. "Kie, it might go down tonight." Pope says making me groan into my arms. JJ leans over and rubs my back as Kie persists. "What does that mean? It might go down tonight. What did y'all do?" They don't say anything so neither do I.

I just wanted to watch a damn movie with my friends.

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