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I fell asleep during the movie only to wake up when Rafe began to carry me upstairs. I decided to continue to pretend sleeping so that I wouldn't have to walk. I was enjoying the little lift there. He lays me down gently and lifts the covers over me before he sighs. I almost break character and open my eyes to see what was going on with him. He brushes my hair back and I'm surprised when he kisses my forehead, "goodnight Nara." And then he leaves. I can't help but admit I was a bit disappointed that he left, maybe I should've 'woken up' and then he would've stayed.

The next morning I sit and mull this whole situation over. As much as I weirdly don't want to, I think I should probably ask Rafe to leave. "Princess." My eyes widen once I hear JJ outside my room. "J, what are you doing here?" His brows furrow as I let him into my room. "Huh? Are you okay?" I try and keep calm but I was not gonna have the two of them ruin my grandparents house. "Sorry, yeah I'm fine. What's up?" He watches me for a second longer before he relaxes. "Okay uh we're going to parent trap Kie and Sarah. You comin?" I shake my head which just makes him eye me again. "Uh I'll meet up with you guys later, I gotta do something first."

"What?" Oh fuck what do I say? Just then my bedroom door begins to open. Not being that far from it I rush over and slam my back against it, shutting it once more. "What the hell?" I keep myself firmly in front of the door as JJ looks beyond confused. "Who is that?" He asks, I shake my head. "Enzo, I met him at a kook party a while ago." I feel Rafe trying to open the door once more and so I push myself against it again so it slams back on him. "Stop it Enzo, I'll just be a minute." I hear a faint what the fuck in response, I assume JJ doesn't because he just starts giggling.

"Hey let me meet the man." I shake my head, "not today JJ, I don't need you scaring him off yet." He nods and starts heading back towards the balcony. "Alright fine, have your fun but you better come meet us later." I assure him that I will and then once he's gone I open my door. "Who was that?" He asks having been waiting on the other side. "JJ." He makes a face, "he just climbs into your room at any given moment." I nod and he scoffs. "I don't like that." I shrug, "I don't care." Why would I?

"What did you want?" I ask hoping to move away to the inevitable kook versus pouge discussion that we always ended up in. "Nothing,  never mind." He says turning to go, he's in a mood I can tell by the annoyance staining his words. I sigh and follow him to the guest room. "What's wrong?" He shakes his head and sits on the guest bed. "It doesn't matter, go hang out with your friends." I roll my eyes, why was he being such a baby?

"Rafe you do know I'm risking a lot by letting you stay here." I say making him look up at me. "Fine I'll leave then, don't wanna be such a burden on you." He gets up and starts throwing his stuff into his bag. "I didn't say that. It's just why are you acting like this? I've been nothing but nice to you and you always manage to find something to be annoyed or to argue about. And let's not get started on the way you act jealous and weirdly possessive. I'm not your girlfriend Rafe."

"You say it like it'd be a bad thing." He says standing back up. "Not to set you off but it would. I've told you so many times we're just too different and again I mean this in the nicest way possible, you're a mess Rafe. Look at you. Your dad kicked you out because you stole money from him to buy your bike and then you tried to steal off him again to pay your dealer? And I'm trying to help you but it's like you don't even care about making things back up to your dad. You just sit here and complain about him and the situation you're in when it's all your own fault and when you've given him no reason to trust you."

"You don't know what you're talking about." He's starting to get a bit worked up so maybe I should quit before he loses it. "If that's how you're gonna be fine." With that I leave and go back to my own room.

We awkwardly avoid each other for a while. I spend the day cleaning the house, given that my grandparents are away I told all of their cleaners and whatever that they didn't have to come in until my grandparents were back. They appreciated the time off and I appreciated being alone and being able to do things for myself.

I'm finishing up in the kitchen when there's a knock on the door. I'm about to go answer it when I hear that Rafe already has. I panic for a second thinking what if it were one of my friends, luckily for me it's not. It's his dad and I'm suddenly grateful that I didn't answer the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asks his son harshly, I already told the man his son was staying here. "Leave her alone Rafe." He says before even giving Rafe a chance to reply. "Dad what-" he cuts Rafe off again. "Look I'm very good friends with Naras grandparents and when I told you not to come home I didn't mean that you should come here. I don't need you ruining things. You need to go and you need to leave her alone, don't ruin her like you ruin everything." That was kinda harsh what the hell? Rafe tries and fails to speak to his dad who then leaves in a hurry.

I approach as Rafe closes the door and stands there for a second. "Rafe?" He turns to me with tears in his eyes and all I can think to do is hug him. He leans down and tries to keep himself from crying as I hold him, he fails because I feel his tears on me even if he is crying silently. "Rafe it's okay, you don't have to go. You don't have to listen to him, this isn't his house and I want you to stay." He pulls away to look at me, "you do?" He asks confused. I nod and wipe his tears, "yeah, you don't ruin everything. I've really liked having you here." He stares at me for a second and then his lips are on mine.

"Rafe..." I pull away my hand still on his cheek. "Why not?" He whispers, the eye contact is intense and my lips are still tingling. "Fuck it." I mumble before pulling him back to me. We stumble back onto the couch but I recover quickly. He leans up as I straddle him. "This is a one time thing and it doesn't mean anything." I say as I pull away so that I can pull his shirt over his head. "Whatever you say." He replies before he returns the favour. His hands grip my hips firmly and in a swift movement my back is on the couch and he's hovering above me.

"You sure this is okay?" He asks suddenly breaking away and looking down at me in a way I'd never seen before. "Yes."

goodnight n go | Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now