Chapter 1 - Rescued

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A wave splashed up onto Angelica's face. She woke up, immediately startled. She sat up and moved away from the water and back onto the sand. 

"Stupid water." She mumbled in irritation.

She was so angry at herself. She was so angry at Jack. She still couldn't believe she trusted that man. She thought that maybe she could've trusted him again but instead, he just left her again. Twice he had done that. TWICE. He didn't even believe she was with his child and there was no way in hell she was having a baby on this island. Her heart slowly sunk for a long moment. How come he never believed her in anything? 

Ok-ok maybe I lied a few times to him... but still, he's done worse to me than I ever have to him. 

The thought that he didn't even care about her... leaving her on this island with his unborn child he didn't even think existed... that he thought was a lie, broke her heart. 

She did what she could to keep her tears from falling. She felt so alone and so irritated but she did her best to try and calm herself. 

Angelica stood up and started to look around, hoping that she could spot a ship out in the ocean. Jack did claim it was a well-traveled trade route, although could she even trust him at this point? Why would she trust a word that came out of his damn mouth? 

She suddenly remembered the Voodoo doll, she bent down and immediately grabbed it. She held it in her hands and stared at it. She wanted so badly in this moment to rip an arm off of this thing. She could only imagine the pain he'd be in and him screaming. 

Her finger slowly inched towards the doll's head, her heart beating a bit faster than before. She'd cause pain to him until he came back for her until he'd rescue her off of this God-forsaken island. 

Her fingers grabbed a small bit of the doll's hair and she smirked. She yanked it hard to the point it must've hurt him...wherever he is. She did it a few more times with a proud smile on her face. 

"I wish I could see your face Jack... you're probably in pain." She smirked and spoke to herself. "I'll continue to do this... until you come for me..."

She stared at the doll and kept it in her hands, it was hers and she wasn't letting this thing go anytime soon. She then peered up at the water and the sun slowly coming up above the horizon. She sighed and started looking around again, hoping some ship would appear and be rescued. Even though Angelica was hungry and thirsty, she wasn't able to die. Since she drank the water from the fountain of youth, she had all of her father's years whom she thanked Jack for—

Oh shut up Angelica. Never thank him. You hate him remember? Look what he's done to you. Ruined your life... killed your own father. 

The voice inside her suddenly stopped. She felt there was a small part of her in the back of her mind that missed him... missed his hugs... his protection and his stupid actions. Her mind told her not to remember him, but she kept on thinking of him...

Maybe he'll come back... for me...

In the midst of her thoughts, a small object out in the water caught her attention. Her heart started to race and her soft brown eyes widened. She saw a ship in the distance and a small smile crept over her face. She saw it heading in her direction and a small part of her hopped it was Jack's ship, the Black Pearl. 

When she walked to the edge of the beach, she knew it wasn't his ship. She clearly remembered his ship was still in a bottle, trapped by her father. Her eyes slowly started to dim but were taken over by anger and confusion when the ship came closer. The ship's sails were red... she could recognize that ship anywhere. 

"The Queen Anne's Revenge?" She mumbled to herself. 

She stared at it for a long moment. 

I thought it— how is it here? 

Her eyes suddenly widened. She knew exactly who had taken that ship. 


She was now filled with anger. He had to have been the one to take it. There was no way anyone else could have. She knew that there was no time for being angry or frustrated however. As soon as that ship came by the island, she'd get its attention and she'd finally be rescued. Being on the Revenge was better than the Pearl anyway. She put the Voodoo doll in her pocket and started making her way to the clearing.

She quickly ran over to the clearing of the island and started to shout and wave her hands for attention. She did that a few times before she slowly noticed that the ship stopped in its tracks. A wave of relief came over her and she waited for them to come get her. 

As a small boat came closer to the island she'd been marooned on, she noticed there was maybe around 5 people in that boat. A few she'd recognized. They had worked on the Revenge when she was the First Mate. 

As the boat made it to the island, she started to make notice of the Captain. But the Captain was someone she'd recognized. Barbossa, exactly the person she'd expected. 

"Ahh, look who it is. I recognize you miss." Barbossa chuckled and walked closer to her. 

Angelica glared at him as he walked closer. 

"No doubt I know you as well..." she mumbled so only he could hear her. 

Barbossa stared at her for a moment as she spoke, "I swore you'd been poisoned. How is it that you're alive?" He quickly grabbed her arm. 

Angelica bit her tongue when he grabbed her arm, she became a bit nervous but made sure to stand her ground. "I survived..." she looked away from him. "Jack saved me." 

He started to laugh. "Jack? I knew you two... had something..." he smirked. 

"We do not!" She yelled. "I'd prefer him to be dead than alive right about now!" 

Barbossa continued smirking at her, "I'm guessing he's the one who marooned you on this island, Miss Teach?" 

Angelica stared at him then glanced at his crew members behind him. "Yes... he did." She mumbled again. 

Barbossa eyed her and then looked back at his crew, still having a good grip on her arm. "Well then, I'm guessing you... need rescuing?" 

She slowly nodded to him. She no longer had the gut to look him in the eye. She just looked down at the sand and ignored the crew as well. 

Barbossa suddenly gripped her arm a bit tighter and dragged her over to the boat. His crew stared at her, they knew who she was. Angelica looked up at him, noticing his slight smirk on his face. 

What the hell am I doing...? 

"Sit." Barbossa orders and threw her in the boat. 

She quickly sat in the back of the boat and just obeyed his orders. She usually didn't appreciate being treated like some slave, but she didn't have a choice, she didn't even have a weapon.  

Barbossa and his crew members came back in the boat and started to row back to the ship. She hugged her legs and just stayed cramped in the back. Some of them gave her stupid smirks which made her uncomfortable. For once... she wished Jack was with her...

She reached up and held the cross that was on her necklace. She slowly looked down at her stomach and gripped the cross tightly. 

Please God... don't let them find out...

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