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Atlanta, Georgia
Later that night

Desire walked out the bathroom seeing Von and Asian still haven't came upstairs making her roll her eyes as she went to the closet.

They haven't said one word to her since they went through her phone earlier and she thought they would be over it when they got back home but they were still giving her the silent treatment.

Desire dried her body off not even thinking about what she wanted to wear. Her mind only on how the rest of the night was going to go.

Von had her phone so she couldn't take her pictures before bed or check how many likes her recent posts got.

She tried asking for it back on the way home but he didn't answer her.

Desire looked up hearing movement coming from the outside making her pause for a little. Hoping Asian and Von would come in and tell her they forgive her and be nice to her.

She stood there for a little longer but nothing happened making her smack her lips.

She went to her drawer pulling out her Ethika boxers and a pair of Asian's baggy gray sweatpants quickly putting them on.

She found a pink long sleeve shirt putting it on with a smile on her face, liking the way it hugged her body. Leaving the four buttons open in the middle making her boobs show a little more since she didn't have a bra on.

Desire opened the closet door seeing the room was still empty making her smack her lips. She went over to the side of the bed sliding her bubble slides on.

walking out the room seeing the dark hallway, the only light coming from downstairs. It was noisy and she heard voices she never heard before.

Desire slowly walked downstairs seeing a bunch of smoke and a few boys with smiled on their faces.

She went to the living room walking over to Von seeing him bite down on his bottom lip, his eyes low as he slouched in his seat.

"What you want?" Von asked looking up at her with a smirk on his face, seeing her boobs pop through her shirt. She knew he wasn't trying to speak to her for the rest of the day but she couldn't help herself, and she at least wanted to try to get back on his good side.

Desire didn't answer him, getting stuck in his gaze. She wanted him so bad and she was trying to get him to talking to her, hoping he would hear her out.

Von smacked his lips. "Aye Asian, come here." He said waving his hand so she could come over to him faster.

Asian got up from her seat quickly walking in the living room where they were, seeing Desire step back and look down.

Asian hasn't said one word to her since they went through her phone. Desire knew they were both mad at her so Asian didn't know why she was downstairs right now.

"Take her ass upstairs." Von said pointing to the stairway making Asian nod.

She grabbed a hold of Desire's hand making a whine slip out of her mouth as she tried to pull back.

"I'm sorry..." Desire said lowly feeling Asian pull her back upstairs.

Asian chuckled hearing her. "I know." She said leading her upstairs as she walked up slowly. She knew Desire felt bad. That's how they planned on making her feel.

Desire walked back in the room slowly looking up at Asian, seeing her just stare. Her eyes low just like Von's were.

She wrapped her arms around Asian's neck, hugging around it tightly hoping to get her to speak.

"You mad at me?" Desire asked softly feeling Asian's arms wrap around her waist slowly, looking her in her eyes. Desire just wanted all of this to be over and have everything go back to how it was.

Asian shook her head before giving her a quick peck to make her feel better.

Desire leaned up kissing her again, missing her lips so badly. Hoping Von would come in and do the same.

Asian pushed her back making her sit on the bed. Desire excited for what was gonnna happen next.

She kissed down Desire's neck hearing a small moan slip out her mouth. Asian missed the taste of her so much but she didn't appreciate her texting other people that wasn't her or Von.

She didn't even want Desire to have a phone. But Von didn't listen to her and it lead them being in the situation they're in right now.

Desire scooted back against the headboard as Asian followed her. Her lips still in contact with her neck.

"I missed you so much.." Desire moaned lowly feeling Asian lightly rub against her clit.

Asian pulled away looking into her eyes. "I missed you too, baby." She said putting a small smile on her face.

They both looked up seeing Von come in with a straight look on his face as he made his way over to them.

"Get off of her.." Von said lowly with a small smirk on his face, lightly pulling at Asian's hair waiting on her to get up. Seeing that Desire got to her even though they weren't supposed to be speaking to her for the rest of the day.

Asian smacked her lips sitting up. "Von, please.. She said she was sorry." She asked looking him in his eyes.

Von looked down at both of them shaking his head. He couldn't help but notice Desire's sorry eyes. Desire knew he loved when she looked at him like that.

"Come here..." Von said lowly, softly grabbing Desire by her neck making her whimper.

He got closer to her face seeing the mood change in her eyes change from sad to having no emotion in them.

"Tell me you love me..." Von whispered softly. He knew she loved him but he couldn't help but ask her to say it herself. He loved the way she said it with so much emotion.

Desire nodded slowly. "I love you." She said softly wanting him to hurry and kiss her already.

He smiled big. "And I don't have to go through your phone no more cause you gon ignore them?" He asked her tilting his head. Making sure she won't make the same mistake again.

"...Yes-" Desire said getting cut off as Von kissed her passionately. His grip around her neck tightening as she tugged at his pants.

They back cool ig...🤣
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter🫶🏾

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