Bikini wax

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"Sorry baby it's gonna be a little hot" you felt slightly embarrassed laying on your bed without your shorts or underwear on after mentioning to Trish that you needed to either shave your bikini line or have it and the rest of your lower parts waxed. She remembered that she had wax that she normally uses for her inner thighs and her own bikini line leading to now as she set the now heated up bowl of wax beside your foot carefully using a bite stick or commonly known as a tongue depresser to spread the wax on you letting you take a breath before ripping the wax off always holding your hand apologizing kissing your knuckles before repeating the waxing process giving you a few breaks in between when she could tell that the pain was getting too much to deal with giving you water so you wouldn't get sick or dizzy knowing how your nerves took over when pain hit you badly in anyway making you ill giving crackers to help as well before she was back between your legs with the wax. After another twenty minutes the wax was finally done jumping when you feel a cold rag on you as she cleaned off a little leftover wet wax off before shaving the small leftovers being slow and careful kissing your temple after putting your underwear and shorts back on you washing her hands before the two of you were downstairs on the couch watching a newly released movie that Lita had told the two of you about earlier before it was released in theaters originally planning to see it in a movie theater but with your luck the two of you had matches on RAW that night being very tired when the two of you finally got to your hotel room falling asleep as soon as the two of you were under the covers in bed deciding to watch it once it was at a video store to rent it which is what the two of you did that next week on your shared first day of two weeks off enjoying the night on the couch cuddled watching the funny wonderful movie falling asleep as the credits roll being waked up ten minutes later following her upstairs and into bed where you both fall asleep making her laugh when you mumble a thank you for earlier earning a kiss to your forehead after.

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