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jungwons pov

I ran out of there as fast as I could. Fuck you Sunoo. After seeing Jays smirk spreading across his face, all I could think of was run. No really. I kept on running until I reached the bathrooms that almost no one goes to. Except me. I clutched my chest, trying to get my breath back. My life had simply, been fucked up. Why now? I thought to myself. I tried to forget whatever happened a few minutes ago, but Jays smirk kept on travelling back into my mind. Is there a chance that he likes me ba- I slapped myself. No. He. Doesn't. Like. Me. Back.

 I slapped myself one more time, but something suddenly popped up in my mind. Do I.....like him? No way. Not after 2 years. I immediately pulled out my phone, and texted the only person who I could right now, who turned out to be the person who betrayed me.

"SUNOO ISTG IMMA BASH YOU ALL THE WAY TO PLUTO!" I screamed into my phone. I was really pissed. "No ok, im sorry wonie..." I could clearly hear Sunoo's pout. "Just....dont do random shit like that....ever...again." I calmly said back. There was no point in being mad anyways. The damage was already done. "Oh, and Jays looking for you." Sunoo replies back suddenly. "HUH!?" I screamed back into my phone, but Sunoo had already hung up. That bitch... I mumbled under my breath. Was Jay really looking for me? 

My face suddenly lit up at the sight of Jay looking for me, but I quickly pulled myself back into reality. I really had to calm down. I looked down at my phone, and looked at the time. I was late for class. I immediately stood up and ran out of the bathrooms, bumping into someone on the way. I quickly mumbled sorry, and kept on running. But the person who I had been least expecting turned around. 

jays pov

He...likes me...? After hearing Sunoo's loud ass scream out those words, my head immediately snapped up. I had to be dreaming, right...? But clearly not. I quickly noticed Jungwons face turning a deep red. I immediately smirked. So he did. But I was surprised at the same time. There was no way that he liked me. Even if I hadn't talked to him in the past 2 years. I then noticed Jungwon looking at me. He immediately hid his face, and ran out. I also saw Sunoo, staring at me, smiling. So my plan had worked. 

I stood up, and walked out, slowly following Jungwon to see where he was going. After a while, I saw him enter a bathroom. I stood outside, eavesdropping on Jungwon. I could hear him mumbling curse words, and slapping himself. I let out a low chuckle. Jungwon then pulled out his phone. Now I was curious. Suddenly, he began screaming into his phone, making me jump. It was Sunoo. Of course. I could hear him cursing, and then silence. I peeked in once more, before Jungwon suddenly ran out. He bumped into me, mumbling an apology. It seemed that he didn't notice me. Properly. I smirked again, and slowly began to follow him again.


word count: 536 words

okkk so a slightly  longer chapter 😭 but ngl this was more of a filler chap rather than a proper one 😭. i did finish all my tests for the term 😍 so i will be able to push out more frequent updates. enjoyyyy <3333

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