
20 3 5

just to remind y'all or mention, in this story, jungwon is 19 and jays 20.


jungwons pov

used. that was the only word that was running through my mind. i was used. again and again. wondering if there was ever an end. an end to being used. a new start.

i slowly began to feel myself wake up, the severe pain from my wounds hurting painfully. i rubbed my eyes, looking around my surroundings, my eyesight still majorly blurred. i could make out that i was still on the living room floor, with all the lights off. reaching my hands out all over my body, i could feel the many scratches and bruises that were formed, all the way from my neck, down to my thighs.

my hands began to travel down my body even further, until i felt something wet and warm touch my fingers near my groin. drawing back my fingers, i sniffed it. it was blood. fucking bitch i muttered to myself. this was the 3rd time this week. trying to stand up, a shoot of pain coming from my back made me freeze. i was quite literally fucked.

i silently groaned, wondering how i would get out of this situation. for all that i knew, if my mother were to wake up again, i would literally be a piece of dead meat. so i reached out to my phone that was lying near me, cracks running all over its screen. well that's fucked i scoffed to myself.

eyesight still blurred, i tapped on the first contact that i saw. it was jay. how convenient... i thought to myself. my head began the throb quite a lot, so i messily typed out a few messages to jay, and sent them. i hoped that he would reply to them. i soon rested my head back on the floor, and fe,t my senses turning black once more.

please come soon jay...... i thought one last time, before i fully passed out.

jays pov

"jay please i need you right now.."

my eyes widened. as soon as i saw jungwons pleading text, i knew what had exactly happened. i didn't give 2 fucks if it was 2 in the morning, so i threw my jacket onto myself, and ran out of my house as fast as i could. i could feel my legs slowly beginning to burn from the way i was running. but i couldn't stop. not with jungwon. i rounded onto his street, seeing the house he had lived in his whole life still standing. in around 5 minutes, i was pulling out jungwon's house key, a spare he gave to me in case of emergencies, which i still had after so many years.

i quickly unlocked the door, immediately becoming aware that jungwons mother may still be inside. tiptoeing inside, i began to hear jungwons voice. walking towards it, i began to see large splotches of dried blood on the pristine floorboards.

my head was spinning at the sight of so much blood. as i moved closer to his bedroom, i could see a part of jungwons hand sticking out from his room. i ran into his room, and gasped loudly. there was blood everywhere on the floor, on the walls, and on jungwon.

"ah, don't worry, she already left.." jungwon weakly smiled.

i slowly kneeled down next to him, tears forming in my eyes. it hurt me, to see him all hurt and broken.

"fuck no. none of this is okay. at all." i replied back shakily.

trying to keep back my tears, i slowly reached out to jungwon, assessing his wounds. i was in shock by the extent of how deep his scratches were. i wanted to cry, sob my heart out. but i had to be strong for jungwon.

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