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this very short chap is just flashbacks from jungwons past cus ion even know what to write rn😍 THIS IS A CUTESY/FLUFFY SO YALL BETTER BE GRATFUL IM UPDATING CUS IM SERIOUSLY OUTTA IDEAS ICL 😔😔 anyways enjoy

jungwons pov

"JAYYYYYY you're finally back!" I screamed. It had been 2 weeks without Jay, my other half. I englufed him into a hug, and tears began to stream out of my eyes. Although I was only 10 years old, I had serious mood swings. 

"Hey, why you crying?" Jay pulled me out of his embrace, and smiled softly as me, melting my heart immediately. I wiped my eyes. "I-I missed you, a lot..." I immediately cringed at my words. Jay just smiled even more, and pulled me back into his warm embrace. 

"I miss you too, wonie..." 

4 YEARS AFTER (huge ass timeskip 😝)

It was the first day back at school. I was now 14. And even closer with Jay. We were inseparable, always at each others side. It was my first time being in a class with him. And I was nervous. As fuck. Ever since we've been getting closer, I've been feeling even weirder near him. Every time his hand grazed mine, every time he leaned closer to me to whisper some dumb joke in my ear. It gave me butterflies. But I didn't like him. I wouldn't. We were just....friends. Nothing else.

'Shit...' I mentally cursed to myself. I hadn't seen Jay in 2 weeks, and he had changed. SO FUCKING MUCH. He scrapped that crappy bowl cut for a small mullet, and his sense of fashion had changed. I felt my cheeks slowly get red, but I slapped myself back into reality. No way I was smiling over Jay. As I was lost in my thought, I sensed someone walking over to me. I looked up, and found Jay's face a few centimetres from mine. 

"Boo." He smirked.

My cheeks immediately flared red, and I desperately tried to move away from. 

"Ugh can you not right now.." I pouted.

Suddenly, Jay's face transformed into one of worry. He rested one of his hands on my forehead. I eyed him, confused as fuck.

"You're hot, are you sure you're not sick?" He asked with worry etched all over his face.

I smiled. It was hot, seeing him worry about me. "No don't worry, it's just hot in here..." I smiled wildly, trying to calm down his nerves. His worry began to fade away, and the scared expression on his face was soon replaced with one of pure happiness. He moved closer to my, hugging me tightly. 

"I missed you so much wonie..." He pouted while hugging me.

"But it's only been 2 weeks....?" I replied back. My cheeks were going red again.

"I still miss you." He said with a hint of finality in his voice. I began to blush even more. He face looked cute, pouting like how he used to when he was younger. I suddenly began to think of the many memories like this that we made so long ago. I cherished them. My mind began to repeat the same words over and over again. On loop. He would never leave my mind. Ever,

 I miss him.

 I missed him too. 

I missed him so much. 

I missed his hugs. 

His warmth. 

His face. 

His words. 

His smile. 

I missed him. 

A lot.


word count: 561 words

my heart 😍 they're so fucking cute wth 😔 anywayssss i hope y'all enjoyed that little fluffy flashback chapter ‼️ jungwon being whipped for jay is my whole life icl. i will try and push out a proper chapter in about 3 - 4 days cus im being fucking bombarded with tests (fuck school man) so stay around! i hoped you enjoyed thisssss 😚

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