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Name: Gabriel Smith.
Nickname: Gabe
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: [REDACTED]
Tilte: The Scarlet Prince.

Physical Appearance: Average size body, a bit chubby, has blue eyes that change color with different shirt colors, dark brown hair, wears long baggy pants and sleeves.

Personality: Gentle nature. Not very trusting of other people, but over time, he'll ease his guard. Is smart but quiet. Due to his Autism and ADHD, he can be creative in different forms. Ones with worlds and even disturbing eldritch horrors.

Date of death: [REDACTED]

Likes: analog horror, art, quiet moments, horror movies, movies, music, sometimes jazz and rock. While he would listen to loud music, he mostly plays it in quiet volumes. And his stuffed animal otter he keeps with him. Hybrid aninals, animals in general. He often laughs when people curse.

Dislikes: loud environment, people staring, confrontation, criticism to him, insensitivity, people hurting his friends and innocent people. Hurting animals. His friends are fighting when it's serious.

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Unofficial therapist/someone to talk to at the hazbin Hotel, helping people through their pain and trauma by experiencing through their shoes and would be best for redemption from what he has learned.

Family: As for his adoptive father being Judge Cloude Frollo, his mother was more merciful and always took the blame, even tho it wasn't her fault. Her mother, with black hair and brown eyes, always had a loving heart, even if it was by the father of true evil. She would always hold her tears in just to not bear to see her child/Gabe in such mental pain.

Friends: Charlie/Charlotte morningstar, Vaggie, angel dust, cherri bomb, Nifty, husk, sir pentious, and alastor.

Enemies: hardly any, he mostly keeps quiet and not ster trouble.

Abilities: he almost has all the abilities his father possesses. While being more cryptic and disturbing, Teleportion, able to see through memories of sinners, overlords, and even hellborns. Immortality but not fully. Summoning.

Skill set: While it is difficult for him to understand others' pain, he sympathizes with sinners. It is difficult, but he can learn from them.

When he has burnout, he mostly tries to keep calm but has trouble doing so, so when he gets frustrated, he will mostly try to take a deep breath and calm down. It is difficult but it can work sometimes.

Meltdowns are when Gabe becomes more mad, and he usually looks for a pillow and holds it or his stuffed animal otter to help calm him down. Afterward, he would begin apologing if he ended up hurting somebody.

If he becomes too agitated, he would mostly try to breath and remain calm, but when it gets too far, and one of his friends gets hurt, he would get mad and he would just beat the person who did it up like a savage gorilla mixed with a bear. At this point, Charlie or somebody would need to calm him down before he becomes too overwhelmed by holding him close and rubbing them on the head or giving him the stuffed otter.

Love interests




The Scarlet Prince (Hazbin Hotel x Scarlet King's son/oc)Where stories live. Discover now